3e72d20f5ac6 — Chris Cannam tip 3 months ago
Add function to map a set of bands at once, discarding out-of-range ones
1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M peakpick.sml
M peakpick.sml +34 -3
@@ 517,7 517,32 @@ structure SpectralPeakPick = struct
+    (** Convert a list of bands, constraining their bins to the range
+        0..count-1 and omitting any that are entirely outside that
+        range.
+     *)
+    fun mapBands { rate, n, count } (bands : band list)
+        : SubBandPeakPick.band list =
+        List.concat
+            (map (fn band =>
+                     let val mapped = mapBand { rate = rate, n = n } band
+                     in
+                         if #start mapped >= count
+                         then []
+                         else case #count mapped of
+                                  NONE => [mapped]
+                                | SOME bc =>
+                                  if #start mapped + bc > count
+                                  then [{ p = #p mapped,
+                                          start = #start mapped,
+                                          count = NONE
+                                        }
+                                       ]
+                                  else [mapped]
+                     end)
+                 bands)
     (** Return a list of indices of local peaks within the vector,
         dividing it up into sub-bands following the given band
         list. The parameter n is the number of bins, used for

@@ 531,7 556,10 @@ structure SpectralPeakPick = struct
                   } (v : RealVector.vector)
         : int list =
         SubBandPeakPick.findPeaks {
-            bands = map (mapBand { rate = rate, n = n }) bands
+            bands = mapBands { rate = rate,
+                               n = n,
+                               count = RealVector.length v
+                             } bands
         } v
     (** Return a list of indices of local peaks within the vector,

@@ 545,7 573,10 @@ structure SpectralPeakPick = struct
                          } (v : RealVector.vector)
         : int list =
         SubBandPeakPick.findPeaksSnapped {
-            bands = map (mapBand { rate = rate, n = n }) bands,
+            bands = mapBands { rate = rate,
+                               n = n,
+                               count = RealVector.length v
+                             } bands,
             resolveDownwards = resolveDownwards
         } v