@@ 121,6 121,10 @@ end
to 127, bins 35 to 83), where all energy above note 127 is mapped
into the final bin." (all assuming reference 440Hz; midi note 127
corresponds to 12544Hz)
+ Note that the referenceFrequency parameter only affects bin
+ mappings above the crossover point. Below that, the mapping is
+ determined entirely by FFT bin width.
functor SemitoneishFeatureBlockStreamFn (S : FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_BLOCK_STREAM) :
@@ 170,7 174,7 @@ functor SemitoneishFeatureBlockStreamFn
val crossoverMidi = round (Pitch.pitchForFrequency
(real crossoverBin * binWidth,
- val () = info (fn () => ["SemitoneishFeatureBlockStreamFn: crossoverMidi = %1 with referenceFrequency = %2", I crossoverMidi, O (Option.map R referenceFrequency)])
+ val () = info (fn () => ["SemitoneishFeatureBlockStreamFn: crossoverMidi = %1 (%2 Hz with referenceFrequency = %3)", I crossoverMidi, R (real crossoverBin * binWidth), O (Option.map R referenceFrequency)])
fun inRange freq =
case (minFrequency, maxFrequency) of
(NONE, NONE) => true