b277fb4abd67 — Chris Cannam 4 months ago
Update Repoint
1 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

M repoint.sml
M repoint.sml +227 -96
@@ 38,7 38,7 @@ 
-val repoint_version = "1.3"
+val repoint_version = "1.5"
 datatype vcs =

@@ 72,7 72,7 @@ datatype localstate =
 datatype branch =
-         BRANCH of string |
+         BRANCH of string |  (* Non-empty *)
 (* If we can recover from an error, for example by reporting failure

@@ 191,8 191,9 @@ signature VCS_CONTROL = sig
         local copy of the library already exists *)
     val update : context -> libname * source * branch -> unit result
-    (** Update the library to the given specific id or tag *)
-    val update_to : context -> libname * source * id_or_tag -> unit result
+    (** Update the library to the given specific id or tag,
+        understanding that we are expected to be on the given branch *)
+    val update_to : context -> libname * source * branch * id_or_tag -> unit result
     (** Return a URL from which the library can be cloned, given that
         the local copy already exists. For a DVCS this can be the

@@ 633,7 634,7 @@ functor LibControlFn (V: VCS_CONTROL) :>
                 case V.is_at context (libname, target) of
                     ERROR e => ERROR e
                   | OK true => OK ()
-                  | OK false => V.update_to context (libname, source, target)
+                  | OK false => V.update_to context (libname, source, branch, target)
             fun update' () =
                 case lock_pin of
                     PINNED target => update_pinned target

@@ 1285,12 1286,14 @@ structure HgControl :> VCS_CONTROL = str
     fun remote_for context (libname, source) =
         Provider.remote_url context HG source libname
+    val default_branch_name = "default"
     fun current_state (context : context) libname : vcsstate result =
         let fun is_branch text = text <> "" andalso #"(" = hd (explode text)
             and extract_branch b =
                 if is_branch b     (* need to remove enclosing parens *)
                 then (implode o rev o tl o rev o tl o explode) b
-                else "default"
+                else default_branch_name
             and is_modified id = id <> "" andalso #"+" = hd (rev (explode id))
             and extract_id id =
                 if is_modified id  (* need to remove trailing "+" *)

@@ 1327,8 1330,7 @@ structure HgControl :> VCS_CONTROL = str
     fun branch_name branch = case branch of
-                                 DEFAULT_BRANCH => "default"
-                               | BRANCH "" => "default"
+                                 DEFAULT_BRANCH => default_branch_name
                                | BRANCH b => b
     fun id_of context libname =

@@ 1420,9 1422,9 @@ structure HgControl :> VCS_CONTROL = str
-    fun update_to context (libname, _, "") =
+    fun update_to context (libname, _, _, "") =
         ERROR "Non-empty id (tag or revision id) required for update_to"
-      | update_to context (libname, source, id) = 
+      | update_to context (libname, source, _, id) = 
         let (* pull invalidates the cache, as we must here *)
             val pull_result = pull context (libname, source)

@@ 1441,12 1443,13 @@ end
 structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = struct
-    (* With Git repos we always operate in detached HEAD state. Even
-       the master branch is checked out using a remote reference
-       (repoint/master). The remote we use is always named repoint, and we
-       update it to the expected URL each time we fetch, in order to
-       ensure we update properly if the location given in the project
-       file changes. The origin remote is unused. *)
+    (* With Git repos we are intentionally careless about the state of
+       the local branch whose name we are given - we work by checking
+       out either a specific commit (perhaps in detached HEAD state)
+       or resetting our local branch based on the remote. The remote
+       we use is always named repoint, and we update it to the
+       expected URL each time we fetch, in order to ensure we update
+       properly if the location given in the project file changes. *)
     val git_program = "git"

@@ 1469,35 1472,46 @@ structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
     fun remote_for context (libname, source) =
         Provider.remote_url context GIT source libname
-    fun branch_name branch = case branch of
-                                 DEFAULT_BRANCH => "master"
-                               | BRANCH "" => "master"
-                               | BRANCH b => b
     val our_remote = "repoint"
-    fun remote_branch_name branch = our_remote ^ "/" ^ branch_name branch
-    fun checkout context (libname, source, branch) =
-        let val url = remote_for context (libname, source)
+    val fallback_default_branch = "master" (* only if it can't be determined *)
+    fun default_branch_name context libname =
+        let fun return_fallback msg =
+                (if FileBits.verbose ()
+                 then print ("\n" ^ msg ^ "\n")
+                 else ();
+                 fallback_default_branch)
-            (* make the lib dir rather than just the ext dir, since
-               the lib dir might be nested and git will happily check
-               out into an existing empty dir anyway *)
-            case FileBits.mkpath (FileBits.libpath context libname) of
-                OK () =>
-                git_command context ""
-                            (case branch of
-                                 DEFAULT_BRANCH =>
-                                 ["clone", "--origin", our_remote,
-                                  url, libname]
-                               | _ => 
-                                 ["clone", "--origin", our_remote,
-                                  "--branch", branch_name branch,
-                                  url, libname])
-              | ERROR e => ERROR e
+            let val headfile = FileBits.subpath
+                                   context libname
+                                   (".git/refs/remotes/" ^ our_remote ^ "/HEAD")
+                val headspec = FileBits.file_contents headfile
+            in
+                case String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") headspec of
+                    ["ref:", refpath] =>
+                    (case String.fields (fn c => c = #"/") refpath of
+                         "refs" :: "remotes" :: _ :: rest =>
+                         String.concatWith "/" rest
+                       | _ =>
+                         return_fallback
+                             ("Unable to extract default branch from "
+                              ^ "HEAD ref \"" ^ refpath ^ "\""))
+                  | _ =>
+                    return_fallback ("Unable to extract HEAD ref from \""
+                                     ^ headspec ^ "\"")
+            end
+            handle IO.Io _ =>
+                   return_fallback "Unable to read HEAD ref file"
+    fun local_branch_name context (libname, branch) =
+        case branch of
+            BRANCH b => b
+          | DEFAULT_BRANCH => default_branch_name context libname
+    fun remote_branch_for branch_name =
+        our_remote ^ "/" ^ branch_name
     fun add_our_remote context (libname, source) =
         (* When we do the checkout ourselves (above), we add the
            remote at the same time. But if the repo was cloned by

@@ 1518,17 1532,11 @@ structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
     fun id_of context libname =
         git_command_output context libname ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
-    fun is_at context (libname, id_or_tag) =
-        case id_of context libname of
-            ERROR e => OK false (* HEAD nonexistent, expected in empty repo *)
-          | OK id =>
-            if String.isPrefix id_or_tag id orelse
-               String.isPrefix id id_or_tag
-            then OK true
-            else is_at_tag context (libname, id, id_or_tag)
-    and is_at_tag context (libname, id, tag) =
+    fun symbolic_id_of context libname =
+        git_command_output context libname ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]
+    fun is_at_tag context (libname, id, tag) =
         (* For annotated tags (with message) show-ref returns the tag
            object ref rather than that of the revision being tagged;
            we need the subsequent rev-list to chase that up. In fact

@@ 1548,8 1556,22 @@ structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
                     OK tagged => OK (id = tagged)
                   | ERROR _ => OK false
+    fun ids_match id1 id2 =
+        String.isPrefix id1 id2 orelse
+        String.isPrefix id2 id1
+    fun is_commit_at context (libname, id_or_tag) id =
+        if ids_match id_or_tag id
+        then OK true
+        else is_at_tag context (libname, id, id_or_tag)
+    fun is_at context (libname, id_or_tag) =
+        case id_of context libname of
+            ERROR e => OK false (* HEAD nonexistent, expected in empty repo *)
+          | OK id => is_commit_at context (libname, id_or_tag) id
-    fun branch_tip context (libname, branch) =
+    fun branch_tip context (libname, branch_name) =
         (* We don't have access to the source info or the network
            here, as this is used by status (e.g. via is_on_branch) as
            well as review. It's possible the remote branch won't exist,

@@ 1559,43 1581,78 @@ structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
            instead could produce the wrong result. *)
         git_command_output context libname
                            ["rev-list", "-1",
-                            remote_branch_name branch, "--"]
-    fun is_newest_locally context (libname, branch) =
-        case branch_tip context (libname, branch) of
-            ERROR e => OK false
-          | OK rev => is_at context (libname, rev)
+                            remote_branch_for branch_name,
+                            "--"]
-    fun is_on_branch context (libname, branch) =
-        case branch_tip context (libname, branch) of
+    fun is_branch_ancestor context (libname, branch_name) commit =
+        case git_command context libname
+                         ["merge-base", "--is-ancestor",
+                          commit,
+                          remote_branch_for branch_name
+                         ] of
+            ERROR e => OK false  (* cmd returns non-zero for no *)
+          | _ => OK true
+    fun is_tip_or_ancestor_by_name context (libname, branch_name) =
+        case branch_tip context (libname, branch_name) of
             ERROR e => OK false
           | OK rev =>
             case is_at context (libname, rev) of
                 ERROR e => ERROR e
               | OK true => OK true
               | OK false =>
-                case git_command context libname
-                                 ["merge-base", "--is-ancestor",
-                                  "HEAD", remote_branch_name branch] of
-                    ERROR e => OK false  (* cmd returns non-zero for no *)
-                  | _ => OK true
+                is_branch_ancestor context (libname, branch_name) "HEAD"
+    fun is_commit_tip_or_ancestor_by_name context (libname, branch_name) id =
+        case branch_tip context (libname, branch_name) of
+            ERROR e => OK false
+          | OK rev =>
+            case is_commit_at context (libname, rev) id of
+                ERROR e => ERROR e
+              | OK true => OK true
+              | OK false =>
+                is_branch_ancestor context (libname, branch_name) id
+    fun is_on_branch context (libname, branch) =
+        let val branch_name = local_branch_name context (libname, branch)
+        in
+            is_tip_or_ancestor_by_name context (libname, branch_name)
+        end
+    fun is_newest_locally_by_name context (libname, branch_name) =
+        case branch_tip context (libname, branch_name) of
+            ERROR e => OK false
+          | OK rev => is_at context (libname, rev)
+    fun is_newest_locally context (libname, branch) =
+        let val branch_name = local_branch_name context (libname, branch)
+        in
+            is_newest_locally_by_name context (libname, branch_name)
+        end
     fun fetch context (libname, source) =
         case add_our_remote context (libname, source) of
             ERROR e => ERROR e
           | _ => git_command context libname ["fetch", our_remote]
-    fun is_newest context (libname, source, branch) =
+    fun is_newest_by_name context (libname, source, branch_name) =
         case add_our_remote context (libname, source) of
             ERROR e => ERROR e
           | OK () => 
-            case is_newest_locally context (libname, branch) of
+            case is_newest_locally_by_name context (libname, branch_name) of
                 ERROR e => ERROR e
               | OK false => OK false
               | OK true =>
                 case fetch context (libname, source) of
                     ERROR e => ERROR e
-                  | _ => is_newest_locally context (libname, branch)
+                  | _ =>
+                    is_newest_locally_by_name context (libname, branch_name)
+    fun is_newest context (libname, source, branch) =
+        let val branch_name = local_branch_name context (libname, branch)
+        in
+            is_newest_by_name context (libname, source, branch_name)
+        end
     fun is_modified_locally context libname =
         case git_command_output context libname

@@ 1605,37 1662,106 @@ structure GitControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
           | OK "" => OK false
           | OK _ => OK true
+    fun checkout context (libname, source, branch) =
+        let val url = remote_for context (libname, source)
+        in
+            (* make the lib dir rather than just the ext dir, since
+               the lib dir might be nested and git will happily check
+               out into an existing empty dir anyway *)
+            case FileBits.mkpath (FileBits.libpath context libname) of
+                ERROR e => ERROR e
+              | OK () =>
+                git_command context ""
+                            (case branch of
+                                 DEFAULT_BRANCH =>
+                                 ["clone", "--origin", our_remote,
+                                  url, libname]
+                               | BRANCH b => 
+                                 ["clone", "--origin", our_remote,
+                                  "--branch", b,
+                                  url, libname])
+        end
+    (* Generally speaking, when updating to a new commit from a remote
+       branch, we can reset the local branch to that commit only if it
+       was previously pointing at an ancestor of it. Otherwise it's
+       possible the user has made some unpushed commits locally that
+       we would lose, and we should avoid moving the local branch. *)
+    fun can_reset_for context (libname, branch_name) =
+        case git_command_output context libname ["rev-parse", branch_name] of
+            ERROR _ => true
+          | OK id => 
+            case is_commit_tip_or_ancestor_by_name
+                     context (libname, branch_name) id of
+                ERROR _ => true
+              | OK result => result
     (* This function updates to the latest revision on a branch rather
        than to a specific id or tag. We can't just checkout the given
-       branch, as that will succeed even if the branch isn't up to
-       date. We could checkout the branch and then fetch and merge,
-       but it's perhaps cleaner not to maintain a local branch at all,
-       but instead checkout the remote branch as a detached head. *)
+       local branch, as that will succeed even if it isn't up to
+       date. Instead fetch and check out the commit identified by the
+       remote branch, resetting the local branch if can_reset_for says
+       we can. *)
     fun update context (libname, source, branch) =
-        case fetch context (libname, source) of
-            ERROR e => ERROR e
-          | _ =>
-            case git_command context libname ["checkout", "--detach",
-                                              remote_branch_name branch] of
+        let val branch_name = local_branch_name context (libname, branch)
+            val remote_branch_name = remote_branch_for branch_name
+            val fetch_result = fetch context (libname, source)
+            (* NB it matters that we do the fetch before can_reset_for *)
+            val should_reset = can_reset_for context (libname, branch_name)
+        in
+            case fetch_result of
                 ERROR e => ERROR e
-              | _ => OK ()
+              | _ =>
+                case git_command context libname
+                                 (if should_reset
+                                  then ["checkout",
+                                        "-B", branch_name, "--track",
+                                        remote_branch_name]
+                                  else ["checkout",
+                                        "--detach",
+                                        remote_branch_name]
+                                 ) of
+                    ERROR e => ERROR e
+                  | _ => OK ()
+        end
     (* This function is dealing with a specific id or tag, so if we
-       can successfully check it out (detached) then that's all we
-       need to do, regardless of whether fetch succeeded or not. We do
-       attempt the fetch first, though, purely in order to avoid ugly
-       error messages in the common case where we're being asked to
-       update to a new pin (from the lock file) that hasn't been
-       fetched yet. *)
+       can successfully check it out then that's all we strictly need
+       to do. As with update, we reset the local branch if
+       can_reset_for says we can, but with the extra condition that
+       the commit we're resetting to is also on the given branch. *)
-    fun update_to context (libname, _, "") = 
+    fun update_to context (libname, _, _, "") = 
         ERROR "Non-empty id (tag or revision id) required for update_to"
-      | update_to context (libname, source, id) =
-        let val fetch_result = fetch context (libname, source)
+      | update_to context (libname, source, branch, id) =
+        let val branch_name = local_branch_name context (libname, branch)
+            val fetch_result = fetch context (libname, source)
+            (* NB it matters that we do the fetch before can_reset_for *)
+            val should_reset =
+                if can_reset_for context (libname, branch_name)
+                then case branch_tip context (libname, branch_name) of
+                         ERROR _ => true
+                       | OK tip_id =>
+                         if ids_match tip_id id
+                         then true
+                         else case is_branch_ancestor
+                                       context (libname, branch_name) id of
+                                  ERROR _ => true
+                                | OK result => result 
+                else false
-            case git_command context libname ["checkout", "--detach", id] of
-                OK _ => OK ()
+            case git_command context libname
+                             (if should_reset
+                              then ["checkout",
+                                    "-B", branch_name,
+                                    id]
+                              else ["checkout",
+                                    "--detach",
+                                    id]
+                             ) of
+                OK _ => OK()
               | ERROR e =>
                 case fetch_result of
                     ERROR e' => ERROR e' (* this was the ur-error *)

@@ 2229,9 2355,9 @@ structure SvnControl :> VCS_CONTROL = st
                 ERROR e => ERROR e
               | _ => OK ()
-    fun update_to context (libname, _, "") =
+    fun update_to context (libname, _, _, "") =
         ERROR "Non-empty id (tag or revision id) required for update_to"
-      | update_to context (libname, source, id) = 
+      | update_to context (libname, source, _, id) = 
         case check_remote context (libname, source) of
             ERROR e => ERROR e
           | OK () => 

@@ 2551,6 2677,7 @@ fun load_libspec spec_json lock_json lib
           lock_pin = lock_pin,
           branch = case branch of
                        NONE => DEFAULT_BRANCH
+                     | SOME "" => DEFAULT_BRANCH
                      | SOME b => 
                        case vcs of
                            "svn" => raise Fail ("Branches not supported for " ^

@@ 2763,11 2890,15 @@ fun print_problem_summary context lines 
             foldl (fn (({ vcs, ... } : libspec, ERROR _), acc) => vcs::acc
                   | (_, acc) => acc) [] lines
         fun report_nonworking vcs error =
-            print ((if error = "" then "" else error ^ "\n\n") ^
-                   "Error: The project uses the " ^ (#1 (vcs_name vcs)) ^
-                   " version control system, but its\n" ^
-                   "executable program (" ^ (#2 (vcs_name vcs)) ^
-                   ") does not appear to be installed in the program path\n\n")
+            (print ((if error = "" then "" else error ^ "\n\n") ^
+                    "Error: The project uses the " ^ (#1 (vcs_name vcs)) ^
+                    " version control system, but its\n" ^
+                    "executable program (" ^ (#2 (vcs_name vcs)) ^
+                    ") does not appear to be installed or cannot be run.\n\n");
+             case (FileBits.verbose (), OS.Process.getEnv "PATH") of
+                 (true, SOME path) =>
+                 print ("The PATH variable is: " ^ path ^ "\n\n")
+               | _ => ())
         fun check_working [] checked = ()
           | check_working (vcs::rest) checked =
             if List.exists (fn v => vcs = v) checked