cs.panda3d_utils.blender: add docstrings, improve warning message
1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M lib/python/cs/panda3d_utils/blender.py
M lib/python/cs/panda3d_utils/blender.py +7 -1
@@ 69,9 69,13 @@ class BlenderObjectProxy(Eggable):
   def egg_name(self):
+    ''' The default Egg name comes from `self.name`.
+    '''
     return self.name
   def egg_type(self):
+    ''' The default Egg type comes from the class name of `self.egg_cls`.
+    '''
     return self.egg_cls.__name__
 class LightProxy(BlenderObjectProxy):

@@ 95,6 99,8 @@ class LightProxy(BlenderObjectProxy):
   def egg_contents(self, *, vpool: VertexPool):
+    ''' Return the Egg contents by constructing a suitable light object.
+    '''
     light = self.egg_cls(self.name, vpool=vpool)
     return light.egg_contents()

@@ 141,6 147,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
           eggable = as_Eggable(blobj)
         except TypeError as e:
-          warning("cannot represent in Egg syntax: %s", e)
+          warning("SKIP, cannot represent in Egg syntax: %s", e)