cs.app.tagger.rules: we just get tokens now, not (offset,token,matched) tuples
cs.app.tagger.rules: bugfix TagAddRemove.parse, was getting incorrect offsets from the QuotedString. parse result
cs.gui_tk: BaseTkCommand.run: use the prevailing RunState
cs.app.tagger.rules: some type annotations; catch unsupported rule side effects and an unexpected nonstring; Rule.from_str: rstrip() the rule text
cs.app.tagger.rules: EqualityComparison.__call__: do some type promotion
cs.app.tagger.rules: make _Token and subclasses dataclasses, drop TokenRecord as tokens now know their start/end etc
cs.app.tagger.rules: pops_token_wrapper: tweak idiom
cs.app/.taggergui_tk: PathView.tagged: use the prevailing FSTags by default
cs.app.tagger.gui_tk: top level run(tagger) function to make a widget and run the GUI, call from TaggerGUICommand.main, drop Taggeridget.startup_shutdown and extra guff
merge default ==> tagger
cs.app.dlog: remove debug
cs.fileutils: lockfile: now a purer shim for makelockfile
cs.distinfo: cd_run: rename parameter for clarity
cs.app.dlog: DLog.daemon: do not promote the sqltags immediately (this tries to open the db to init it, and clags up if there is a lot of lock contention), instead promoting once we receive some log lines - this lets us first create the pipe to receive logs thus diverting new competition for the db
vcs info: hg: skip the bookmark lookup
cs.fsm: FSM: some raw docstrings which need a displayed slosh-n in them
wpr: prefer hard links over soft links
pkg_tags: cs.fsm: update PyPI release: set pypi.release='20240712' [IGNORE]
pkg_tags: cs.fsm: mark revision as ok: set ok_revision='5ae8004fa098d550560f7f00cfec61728b3fe805' [IGNORE]
cs.fsm: bump __version__ to 20240712-post to avoid misleading value for future unreleased changes [IGNORE]