92e5275f50d8 — Chris Cannam tip 4 days ago
Add reference to RubberBandLiveShifter
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

M README.md +13 -9
@@ 146,25 146,29 @@ numerical argument from 0 to 6).
 ## 3. Using Rubber Band Library
-Rubber Band has a public API that consists of one C++ class, called
-`RubberBandStretcher` in the `RubberBand` namespace.  You should
-`#include <rubberband/RubberBandStretcher.h>` to use this class.
-There is extensive documentation in the class header.
+Rubber Band has a public API that consists of two C++ classes living
+in the `RubberBand` namespace, called `RubberBandStretcher` and
+`RubberBandLiveShifter`. The former is the main Rubber Band class for
+general time and pitch manipulation, the latter a simpler API for
+block-by-block pitch-shifting.  You should `#include
+<rubberband/RubberBandStretcher.h>` or
+`<rubberband/RubberBandLiveShifter.h>` to use these classes.  There is
+extensive documentation in the headers.
 A header with C language bindings is also provided in
 `<rubberband/rubberband-c.h>`.  This is a wrapper around the C++
 implementation, and as the implementation is the same, it also
 requires linkage against the C++ standard libraries.  It is not yet
-documented separately from the C++ header.  You should include only
-one of the two headers, not both.
+documented separately from the C++ headers.  You should include either
+C++ or C headers, not both.
 A .NET interface is also included, contributed by Jonathan Gilbert;
 see the files in the `dotnet` directory for details.
 The source code for the command-line utility (`main/main.cpp`)
-provides a good example of how to use Rubber Band in offline mode; the
-pitch shifter plugin (`ladspa-lv2/RubberBandPitchShifter.cpp`) may be
-used as an example of Rubber Band in real-time mode.
+provides an example of how to use Rubber Band in offline mode; the
+pitch shifter plugins (in `ladspa-lv2`) may be used examples of Rubber
+Band in real-time mode.
 **IMPORTANT:** Please ensure you have read and understood the
 licensing terms for Rubber Band before using it in your application.