5ed32cdbacc7 — Chris Cannam 10 years ago
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M com/breakfastquay/minibpm/MiniBpm.java
M src/MiniBpm.h
M com/breakfastquay/minibpm/MiniBpm.java +3 -1
@@ 67,7 67,9 @@ public class MiniBpm
     public native void setBeatsPerBar(int bpb);
-     * Get the current number of beats per bar.
+     * Get the current number of beats per bar. (This simply returns
+     * the value set by setBeatsPerBar, which is a hint to the tempo
+     * estimator: the estimator does not estimate meter.)
     public native int getBeatsPerBar();

M src/MiniBpm.h +3 -1
@@ 70,7 70,9 @@ public:
     void setBeatsPerBar(int bpb);
-     * Get the current number of beats per bar.
+     * Get the current number of beats per bar. (This simply returns
+     * the value set by setBeatsPerBar, which is a hint to the tempo
+     * estimator: the estimator does not estimate meter.)
     int getBeatsPerBar() const;