a3663c5c0132 — Linus Björnstam 5 years ago
More juice!
1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M persistent-fifo.scm
M persistent-fifo.scm +27 -12
@@ 1,11 1,11 @@ 
 ;; Copyright 2019 Linus Björnstam
 ;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 ;; purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 ;; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all source copies.
 ;; The software is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranties.
 ;; Yall should check out the following srfis before deciding to use this:
 ;; srfi-134 (ideques): a generalisation of fifo/lifo that is persistent.

@@ 15,8 15,11 @@ 
 ;; srfi-117 (list-queues): a mutable general queue. Could be both fifo and lifo.
-;;; A persistent fifo. Enqueue operations are O(1), while dequeue is amortized O(1)
-;; worst case being O(n), which entails a reverse of all enqueued items.
+;;; A persistent fifo. Enqueue operations are O(1), while dequeue is amortized O(1).
+;; It is a simple system of 2 lists, one of items available for dequeue with the next
+;; element to dequeue in it's car. The second list contains enqueued items where the
+;; car being the most recently enqueued. The worst case for a dequeue is then O(n)
+;; which entails a reverse of the enqueued items.
 ;; pfifo-length, pfifo-merge, pfifo-fold, pfifo-map and pfifo-filter are all O(n)-ish
 ;; as they just transverse the deq and (reverse enq).

@@ 25,7 28,8 @@ 
 ;; homophobes".
 (define-module (persistent-fifo)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1)
+                #:select (fold))
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-8)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:export (pfifo

@@ 34,6 38,8 @@ 
+            pfifo->list
+            pfifo-merge

@@ 51,6 57,7 @@ 
 (define (pfifo-empty? pfifo)
   (and (null? (pfifo-get-deq pfifo)) (null? (pfifo-get-enq pfifo))))
+;; Helper function so that I don't have to do (when (pfifo-empty? pf) ...)
 (define (check-pfifo pf)
   (when (pfifo-empty? pf)
     (error "Pfifo is empty" pf)))

@@ 66,32 73,40 @@ 
   (define new-enq (fold cons enq items))
   (%make-pfifo new-enq (pfifo-get-deq pfifo)))
+;; Dequeues an element from the pfifo.
+;; returns 2 values: a new pfifo, the dequeued element.
 (define (pfifo-dequeue pfifo)
-  (if (pfifo-empty? pfifo)
-      (values #f #f)
-      (receive (enq deq)
-          (if (null? (pfifo-get-deq pfifo))
-              (values '() (reverse (pfifo-get-enq pfifo)))
-              (values (pfifo-get-enq pfifo) (pfifo-get-deq pfifo)))
-        (values (%make-pfifo enq (cdr deq)) (car deq)))))
+  (check-pfifo pfifo)
+  (receive (enq deq)
+      (if (null? (pfifo-get-deq pfifo))
+          (values '() (reverse (pfifo-get-enq pfifo)))
+          (values (pfifo-get-enq pfifo) (pfifo-get-deq pfifo)))
+    (values (%make-pfifo enq (cdr deq)) (car deq))))
 (define (pfifo-dequeue/pair pfifo)
   (call-with-values (lambda () (pfifo-dequeue pfifo)) cons))
+(define (pfifo->list pf)
+  (append (pfifo-get-deq pf) (reverse (pfifo-get-enq pf))))
 ;; Merges the content of p2 into p1, by putting all of the elements in both p1 and p2
 ;; in a new pfifo's deq. o(n)-ish. 
 (define (pfifo-merge p1 p2)
   (%make-pfifo '() (append (pfifo-get-deq p1) (reverse (pfifo-get-enq p1))
                            (pfifo-get-deq p2) (reverse (pfifo-get-deq p2)))))
 (define (pfifo-fold proc identity pf)
   (define first-round (fold proc identity (pfifo-get-deq pf)))
   (fold proc first-round (reverse (pfifo-get-enq pf))))
 (define (pfifo-map proc pf)
   (check-pfifo pf)
   (%make-pfifo '() (reverse (pfifo-fold (lambda (x acc) (cons (proc x) acc)) '() pf))))
 (define (pfifo-filter pred pf)
   (check-pfifo pf)
   (%make-pfifo '() (reverse (pfifo-fold (lambda (x acc) (if (pred x) (cons x acc) acc)) '() pf))))