75caf96aa4a9 — Linus Björnstam tip 5 years ago
really changed the readme
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M readme.txt
M readme.txt +2 -2
@@ 1,5 1,4 @@ 
-This is nothing a clojure-like lambda shorthand for guile. The macro is called megacut (which is a bad name, since it is not much like cut).
+This is  a clojure-like lambda shorthand for guile. The macro is called megacut (which is a bad name, since it is not much like cut).
   (megacut (let ((a "Hello ")) (string-append a %1)))
     => (lambda (%1) (let ((a "Hello")) (string-append a %1)))

@@ 23,4 22,5 @@ Should be trivial to port to any syntax-
 It is pretty efficient and should have negligible impact on compile time even for a wildly inappropriate amount of uses. Megacuts can be nested, which may or may not be a good idea for clarity and sanity reasons, but it works.
 Licensed under a permissified BSD-style licence. I am not at all against giving away copyright if the right person or organisation asks.