8876f24b8e64 — Beetle B. tip 9 months ago
Testing index.md
1 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A => index.md
A => index.md +81 -0
@@ 0,0 1,81 @@ 
+# Table of Contents
+-   [Introduction](#org103e8cd)
+-   [Prerequisites](#org837c730)
+-   [Setup](#orge2d7e3b)
+-   [Usage](#orgf11056f)
+-   [How It Works](#orgc062f69)
+-**- mode: org; eval: (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'gtts-create-index-md nil t) -**-
+<a id="org103e8cd"></a>
+# Introduction
+Script to convert an online article into an audio file and add it to a
+podcast feed. It utilizes Google Cloud to create the audio file.
+<a id="org837c730"></a>
+# Prerequisites
+-   [google-cloud-storage](https://pypi.org/project/google-cloud-storage/)
+-   [google-cloud-texttospeech](https://pypi.org/project/google-cloud-texttospeech/)
+-   [pydub](http://pydub.com/)
+-   [Jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/)
+-   [paramiko](https://www.paramiko.org/)
+-   [shot-scraper](https://github.com/simonw/shot-scraper)
+<a id="orge2d7e3b"></a>
+# Setup
+You need to have Google Cloud set up. Unfortunately, I don't remember
+all the steps I did for this. Ultimately you'll need a JSON file that
+has all your credentials - I believe the Google Cloud's CLI will create
+it for you on demand.
+You also need a place to host your podcast's XML file. It should be
+accessible via SFTP.
+Create an `audio` directory in the same directory as this script.
+You need the following files:
+-   `texttospeech.json`: This has your Google Cloud credentials.
+-   `config.py`: Copy `config_example.py` and populate it.
+<a id="orgf11056f"></a>
+# Usage
+    usage: gcloud-tts.py [-h] [-u URL] [-r] [-s]
+    Convert an article into an audio entry for a podcast.
+    options:
+      -h, --help         show this help message and exit
+      -u URL, --url URL
+      -r, --readability  Get text only. No uploading.
+      -s, --sftp         Upload to FTP server
+For a typical run, it will be:
+    python gcloud-tts.py -u https://paulgraham.com/hwh.html -s
+You do not need to be in the script's directory to run it.
+<a id="orgc062f69"></a>
+# How It Works
+`shot-scraper` is used to extract the text of the file, which is then
+sent to Google Cloud to convert into audio. The feed's XML file is
+updated to point to that file.