overlay: support {gitnode} keyword in templates for incoming changes

Fixes #239.
2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M hggit/overlay.py
M tests/test-incoming.t
M hggit/overlay.py +18 -0
@@ 12,6 12,7 @@ from mercurial import (
     match as matchmod,
+    node,
 from mercurial.node import bin, hex, nullid

@@ 438,6 439,21 @@ class overlaychangelog(overlayrevlog):
+class overlaygithandler(object):
+    # This was added to support the {gitnode} keyword in templates for incoming.
+    # For this, falling back to the underlying repository is not necessary.
+    def __init__(self, repo):
+        self.repo = repo
+    def map_git_get(self, sha):
+        # Normally, the parameter contains the hg hash. However, for incoming
+        # changesets, it contains the git hash, so we can return it as-is
+        # (after sanity-checking that it is the hash of an incoming commit).
+        assert node.bin(sha) in self.repo.revmap
+        return sha
 class overlayrepo(object):
     def __init__(self, handler, commits, refs):
         self.handler = handler

@@ 472,6 488,8 @@ class overlayrepo(object):
         except (AttributeError, ImportError):
+        self.githandler = overlaygithandler(self)
     def _constructmanifest(self):
         return overlaymanifestrevlog(self,

M tests/test-incoming.t +3 -5
@@ 95,12 95,10 @@ Load commonly used test logic
   +gamma 2
-incoming with a template that uses gitnode shows no git hash, but does not crash
-  $ hg incoming -r master --template 'changeset {rev}:{node|short}\ngitnode {gitnode}\n' | grep -v 'no changes found'
+  $ hg incoming -r master --template 'changeset: {rev}:{node|short}\ngitnode:   {gitnode}\n' | grep -v 'no changes found'
   comparing with $TESTTMP/gitrepo
-  changeset 1:9497a4ee62e1
-  gitnode 
+  changeset: 1:9497a4ee62e1
+  gitnode:   9497a4ee62e16ee641860d7677cdb2589ea15554
 incoming -r
   $ hg incoming -r master | grep -v 'no changes found'