1 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M docs/hacking.org
M docs/hacking.org +72 -0
@@ 94,5 94,77 @@ Adding a trust-edge without score-comput
 - replace trusters trustlist in wotstate
+*** Optimization: precise, incremental trust change propagation
+- [X] Adding trust only requires recalculating scores of IDs affected by the trust addition
+- [X] Removing trust only requires recalculating scores of IDs downstream of the distrusted ID
+- [ ] optional speedup: switch to vectors that double size when
+they have to be extended (need to track a length independent of
+the actual datastructure size)
+* constant cost plan
+*** Scalability optimization: constant cost at arbitrary count of users
+- [X] Prune stale IDs
+  - [X] aggregate ranks for all the ownids, global array with
+    ranks: max rank. Any time pruning is checked, update the max rank
+    datastructure for all ownids. On getting trust, only the required
+    ownid is updated.
+  - [X] Only IDs with rank >= 2 are pruned — direct trustees are
+    never pruned.
+  - [X] Pursue a stable state of trust: probabilistically reduce
+    trust given by non-ownids. Define an upper limit of IDs (in
+    usual setup 60k because of the datastructure size, when setup
+    with 32bit indizes, 200x the number of ownids).
+  - [X] At every trust increase, empty a randomly chosen trustlist
+    (rank >= 2) with probability =0.02 * (current ID count) / (max ID
+    count - current ID count)=. This includes the assumption that most
+    people will have /visible/ trust to about 50 other people (about
+    half of dunbars number), so we delete an ID as often as we add
+    one. Interactions by this ID will add trust again. Then update all
+    scores for all ownids.
+  - [X] Prune all IDs that have score #f for every ownid. When an id
+    is pruned, replace it with #f in the known-ids and empty the
+    trustlist. Interactions with these IDs will add them again as new
+    known-ids. Score #f means that noone gives trust to you.
+  - [X] when ~10% of known IDs are #f, reindex all vectors (ids,
+    trustlists, ranks, scores): re-create known-ids and map old
+    indexes to new indexes, then use these to re-create the other
+    vectors from the existing data.
+- [ ] Prepare support for non-mastodon sources like RSS
+  - [ ] Add POST endpoint: IDs with changes → returns next ID to check
+  - [ ] Split subscriptions by distance to ID as described in
+    https://www.draketo.de/english/freenet/deterministic-load-decentralized-spam-filter#sec-3-1
+  - [ ] Replace for the WoTID the internal ID by the link to each ID,
+    so other sources can provide trust to mastodon sources
+*** Mastodon-support: deduce trust-information
+- [X] When connected to the mastodon instance, trust values are deduced from information on that instance and from interaction.
+- [X] Implementation details to be fleshed out when the mastodon instance is done.
+- [X] Mute-Endpoint (controller): put trust -1; unmute: put trust 0 (visible, not advertised) ⇒ mute + unmute resets trust
+- [X] Block-Endpoint: put trust -60
+- [X] Follow-Endpoint: put trust 30; unfollow: trust 0 (stays visible, no longer advertised)
+*** Stress testing, optimization, and deployment with a real instance
+- [X] Wispwot works in real deployment for a specific mastodon instance.
+- [X] The locally running Mastodon instance is filtered and infers trust
+- [X] Use persistent trust: write and load to a fixed location.
+- [ ] There is documentation how to use wispwot with Mastodon.
+- [ ] The wispwot code and documentation is released. The required changes to Mastodon are publicly available.
+- mastodon changes: https://github.com/ArneBab/mastodon/pull/1/files
+- wispwot-code and documentation: https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wispwot/browse
+- REST docs: https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wispwot/browse/HOWTO.org?rev=tip
+- deployment: https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wispwot/browse/docs/deployment.org?rev=tip
+- datastructures: https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/wispwot/browse/docs/hacking.org?rev=tip
+* subscriptions
+Subscriptions allow guiding information retrieval and communication
+between many different services.
+Changes related to the plan in https://www.draketo.de/english/freenet/deterministic-load-decentralized-spam-filter#sec-3:
+- retrieve new subscriptions at regular intervals, not everytime there
+  is an update, because clearnet resources can be queried much more
+  rapidly than those in Hyphanet -> split the endpoint into
+  =PUT /subscription-updated/ownkey/OWN/otherid/ID= and 
+  =GET /subscriptions/ownid=.