M wispwot/server.w +110 -11
@@ 241,7 241,7 @@ known IDs gets to its limit."
;; We can safely tombstone the ID and empty the
;; trustlists. They are deleted in a deferred reindexing
;; (~garbage collecting) step.
;; We need to also check the ranks, because the ownid may
;; have no trust
define indexes-without-any-trust
@@ 429,7 429,7 @@ define : get-score wotstate ownkey other
update-wotcache-from-wotstate! wotstate-with-cache ownid
define otherindex : key->index otherkey
- cond
+ cond
: equal? ownkey otherkey
. "100" ;; trust of own ID is always 100
{otherindex >= (vector-length scores)}
@@ 580,17 580,116 @@ define : add-for-ownid! subs ownid id
define updated
cons (car entry) : cons id : cdr entry
list-set! subs index updated
-define-syntax-rule : add-to-subscription! subs ownid id
- begin
+define-syntax-rule : ensure-ownid-entry-exists! subs ownid
unless : assoc ownid subs
set! subs
alist-cons ownid '() subs
+define-syntax-rule : add-to-subscription! subs ownid id
+ begin
+ ensure-ownid-entry-exists! subs ownid
add-for-ownid! subs ownid id
-define : get-subscriptions ownid
+define : set-subscriptions-for-ownid-helper! subs ownid updated
+ define index
+ list-index : λ (x) : equal? ownid : first x
+ . subs
+ list-set! subs index updated
+define-syntax-rule : set-subscriptions-for-ownid! subs ownid updated
+ begin
+ ensure-ownid-entry-exists! subs ownid
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid-helper! subs ownid updated
+define : get-own-subscriptions subs ownid
+ or : assoc-ref subs ownid
+ . '()
+define : next-subscriptions wotstate ownid
+ . "Calculate the subscriptions to use in the next step."
;; TODO: update subscription-lists from wot and retrieve the
;; defined IDs.
- or : assoc-ref subscriptions-updated ownid
- . '()
+ ;; Run a pruning check against those that did not update. Then
+ ;; this is driving the WoT again.
+ ;; limitfor indirect subscriptions per type
+ define max-indirect 25
+ ;; update the wotstate
+ define ranks
+ wotcache-ranks
+ update-wotcache-from-wotstate! wotstate ownid
+ define known-ids : wotstate-known-ids wotstate
+ define id-count : vector-length known-ids
+ define updated-rank1-ids '()
+ define updated-rank2-ids '()
+ define updated-rank3+-ids '()
+ define failed-rank2 '()
+ define failed-rank3+ '()
+ define id-to-index-map : make-id-to-index-map wotstate
+ define : get-updated-ids
+ or : assoc-ref subscriptions-updated ownid
+ . '()
+ define : get-rank id
+ and=> : hash-ref id-to-index-map id
+ cut ranks-ref ranks <>
+ ;; sort the updated IDs iby rank
+ let loop : : updated : get-updated-ids
+ unless : null? updated
+ let*
+ : id : first updated
+ rank : get-rank id
+ cond
+ {rank = 1} : set! updated-rank1-ids : cons id updated-rank1-ids
+ {rank = 2} : set! updated-rank2-ids : cons id updated-rank2-ids
+ {rank > 2} : set! updated-rank3+-ids : cons id updated-rank3+-ids
+ else #t
+ loop : cdr updated
+ ;; clear updated IDs
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! subscriptions-updated ownid '()
+ ;; reorder rank1 subscriptions
+ let : : rank1-subs : get-own-subscriptions rank1-subscriptions ownid
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! rank1-subscriptions ownid
+ delete-duplicates
+ append updated-rank1-ids rank1-subscriptions
+ let : : rank2-subs-recent : get-own-subscriptions rank2-subscriptions-most-recent ownid
+ define rank2-subs
+ delete-duplicates
+ append updated-rank2-ids rank2-subscriptions-most-recent
+ set! failed-rank2
+ drop rank2-subs : min max-indirect : length rank2-subscriptions-most-recent
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! rank2-subscriptions-most-recent ownid
+ take rank2-subs : min max-indirect : length rank2-subs
+ ;; TDOD: add pruning
+ let : : rank3+-subs-recent : get-own-subscriptions rank3+-subscriptions-most-recent ownid
+ define rank3+-subs
+ delete-duplicates
+ append updated-rank3+-ids rank3+-subscriptions-most-recent
+ set! failed-rank3+
+ drop rank3+-subs : min max-indirect : length rank3+-subscriptions-most-recent
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! rank3+-subscriptions-most-recent ownid
+ take rank3+-subs : min max-indirect : length rank3+-subs
+ ;; choose at random TODO: make less primitive
+ let loop : (rank2-ids '()) (rank3+-ids '()) (tries {2 * max-indirect})
+ define index : random id-count
+ define id : vector-ref known-ids index
+ define rank : ranks-ref ranks index
+ cond
+ : zero? tries
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! rank2-subscriptions-random ownid
+ delete-duplicates rank2-ids
+ set-subscriptions-for-ownid! rank3+-subscriptions-random ownid
+ delete-duplicates rank3+-ids
+ {rank = 2}
+ loop : cons id rank2-ids
+ . rank3+-ids {tries - 1}
+ {rank > 2}
+ loop rank2-ids
+ cons id rank3+-ids
+ . {tries - 1}
+ else
+ loop rank2-ids rank3+-ids {tries - 1}
+ append
+ . rank1-subscriptions
+ . rank2-subscriptions-most-recent
+ . rank2-subscriptions-random
+ . rank3+-subscriptions-most-recent
+ . rank3+-subscriptions-random
;; alist of hash-tables (one per ownid) with ids as key and alists of metadata as value
@@ 613,7 712,7 @@ define : get-metadata ownid id
define-handler 'PUT "/subscription-updated/ownkey/" : put-subscription-updated-handler request body wotstate
. "Endpoint: /subscription-updated/ownkey/OWN/otherid/ID
Add metadata needed to check the ID as form-data.
define path : split-and-decode-uri-path : uri-path : request-uri request
@@ 638,17 737,17 @@ define-handler 'PUT "/subscription-updat
. #:headers `((content-type . (text/plain)))
. ""
define-handler 'GET "/subscriptions/" : get-subscriptions-handler request body wotstate
. "Endpoint: /subscriptions/ownid
Returns a list of IDs to check for updates, separated by empty lines."
define path-raw : uri-path : request-uri request
define path : string-join (split-and-decode-uri-path path-raw) "/"
define ownid : string-drop path : string-length "subscriptions/"
;; TODO: get subscriptions for ownid
- define subscriptions : get-subscriptions ownid
+ define subscriptions : next-subscriptions wotstate ownid
define : metadata-strings ownid id
define metadata : get-metadata ownid id
map : lambda (cel) : string-join (list (first cel) (second cel)) ": "
M wispwot/wispwot.w +1 -1
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@
define-module : wispwot wispwot
- . #:export : wispwot-read-trustfile wispwot-get-score read-known-identities make-wotstate wotstate-known-ids wotstate-trustlists trustlists-empty wotstate-ranks wotstate-scores read-all-trust calculate-ranks calculate-scores import-trust-csv get-trust-edge add-trust-edge ids-max ids->list id->key key->index index->identity write-store update-ranks-and-scores-from-trust-edge! update-ranks-and-scores-from-trust-identity-edges! ranks->list list->ranks ranks-ref set-wotstate-known-ids! set-wotstate-trustlists!
+ . #:export : wispwot-read-trustfile wispwot-get-score read-known-identities make-wotstate wotstate-known-ids wotstate-trustlists trustlists-empty wotstate-ranks wotstate-scores read-all-trust calculate-ranks calculate-scores import-trust-csv get-trust-edge add-trust-edge ids-max ids->list id->key key->index index->identity write-store update-ranks-and-scores-from-trust-edge! update-ranks-and-scores-from-trust-identity-edges! ranks->list list->ranks ranks-ref set-wotstate-known-ids! set-wotstate-trustlists! make-id-to-index-map
import : wispwot doctests
srfi srfi-1 ; lists