@@ 580,25 580,38 @@ define : handle-webhook-event wotstate e
define ownid : assoc-ref json-object "account_id"
define trustee : assoc-ref json-object "target_account_id"
define : +-max-0 increment trust
- min 0
- + increment trust
- let ;; FIXME: something wrong.
+ min 0 : + increment trust
+ define : +-min-0 increment trust
+ max 0 : + increment trust
+ define : +-min-inc increment trust
+ max increment : + increment trust
+ define : +-max-inc increment trust
+ min increment : + increment trust
+ let
: ownid : id->string ownid
trustee : id->string trustee
define previous-trust
get-trust-edge wotstate ownid trustee
+ ;; giving trust below 0 gives a ceiling for the trust to
+ ;; set to ensure that the ID disappears on block or mute.
+ ;; giving trust above 0 gives a floor for the trust to
+ ;; set, to ensure that the ID becomes visible.
+ ;; removing any of these, does not cross the
+ ;; zero-boundary, so a node which gets unblocked does not
+ ;; get advocated without being followed afterwards, and a
+ ;; node which gets unfollowed does not get reported.
define trust
- (equal? event "block.created") -50
- (equal? event "follow.created") 30
- (equal? event "mute.created") -1
- (equal? event "block.removed") 0
- (equal? event "follow.removed") 0
- (equal? event "mute.removed") 0
+ (equal? event "block.created") : +-max-inc -50 previous-trust
+ (equal? event "follow.created") : +-min-inc 30 previous-trust
+ (equal? event "mute.created") : +-max-inc -1 previous-trust
+ (equal? event "block.removed") : +-max-0 50 previous-trust
+ (equal? event "follow.removed") : +-min-0 -30 previous-trust
+ (equal? event "mute.removed") : +-max-0 1 previous-trust
else previous-trust
- if trust
- add-trust-edge! wotstate ownid trustee trust
+ add-trust-edge! wotstate ownid trustee trust
update-wotcache-from-wotstate! wotstate ownid
. event