M HOWTO.org +49 -3
@@ 361,15 361,61 @@ GET
: link: http://example.org
* Data structures
- =store/known-identities= contains the list of IDs.
- =store/trust/ab/cd= contains the trust values given by the ID with index abcd (base 16 formatted number).
-* Usage in Mastodon
+* Usage in Mastodon: Webhooks
+For the details of the wispwot-compatible webhooks, see
+- https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/28744
+- https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/28958
+- https://gitlab.com/babka_net/mastodon-babka/-/merge_requests/22
+The webhooks are POST requests that receive JSON data.
+The =block.created= endpoint:
+#+begin_src http :pretty :exports both
+Content-type: application/json
-For a rough first shot to get a Mastodon backed by wispwot, see https://github.com/ArneBab/mastodon/pull/1/files
+ "event": "block.created",
+ "created_at": "2024-01-15T19:22:28.134Z",
+ "object": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "created_at": "2024-01-15T19:22:28.025Z",
+ "updated_at": "2024-01-15T19:22:28.025Z",
+ "account_id": 110482205265885150,
+ "target_account_id": 111484398945680759,
+ "uri": "https://<mastodon.example>/68e9cf81-ec5e-40ab-a775-1e510c83fcea"
+ }
+: block.created
+The =action= endpoint:
+#+begin_src http :pretty :exports both
+Content-type: application/json
+ "status": 12345,
+ "sender": 111484398945680759,
+ "receiver": 110482205265885150,
+ "timeline_type": "home"
+: 12345
# Local Variables:
# org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil
M guix.scm +2 -0
@@ 15,6 15,8 @@
(propagated-inputs `(
("guile" ,guile-3.0)
("guile-wisp" ,guile-wisp)
+ ("guile-fibers" ,guile-fibers)
+ ("guile-json" ,guile-json-4)
(home-page "")
(synopsis "")
M wispwot/server.w +53 -0
@@ 43,6 43,7 @@ import : wispwot doctests
prefix (fibers web server) fibers: ;; using fibers, mind the different arguments of run-server!
prefix (fibers channels) fibers:
prefix (fibers) fibers:
+ json
web server ;; standard Guile server, mind the different arguments of run-server!
web client
web request
@@ 561,6 562,58 @@ define-handler 'POST "/addtrust/" : post
. someid
+define : handle-webhook-event event json-object
+ . "Handle an event webhook"
+ . event
+define : handle-webhook-action json-body
+ . "Handle a filtering action webhook"
+ . "{\"notOk\": true}"
+define-handler 'POST "/webhook" : post-webhook-handler request body wotstate
+ . "Endpoint: /webhook
+ Handle a webhook with a JSON payload.
+ Example:
+ POST /webhook
+ Content-type: application/json
+ {
+ \"event\": \"block.created\",
+ \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T19:22:28.134Z\",
+ \"object\": {
+ \"id\": 1,
+ \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T19:22:28.025Z\",
+ \"updated_at\": \"2024-01-15T19:22:28.025Z\",
+ \"account_id\": 110482205265885150,
+ \"target_account_id\": 111484398945680759,
+ \"uri\": \"https://<mastodon.example>/68e9cf81-ec5e-40ab-a775-1e510c83fcea\"
+ }
+ }
+ Increases the trust given to OTHERID by 5, preserving invariants (max is 100).
+ "
+ define content-type : request-content-type request
+ define body-string : bytevector->string body "UTF-8"
+ define body-json : json-string->scm body-string
+ define event : assoc-ref body-json "event"
+ define status : assoc-ref body-json "status"
+ define result
+ cond
+ event : handle-webhook-event event : assoc-ref body-json "object"
+ status : handle-webhook-action body-json
+ else #f
+ log-format "/webhook\n~s\n~s\n" event body-json
+ values
+ build-response
+ . #:headers `((content-type . (text/plain)))
+ . #:code : if result 200 500
+ or result ""
;; subscription handling