@@ 457,6 457,8 @@ define : guess-mime-type path
: not mime-type
. 'application/octet-stream
+ : string-suffix? ".m3u" path
+ . 'application/x-mpegurl
: equal? mime-type 'video/x-matroska
. 'video/webm
else mime-type
@@ 718,6 720,7 @@ define* : string-split-string s substr #
define : server-file-download-handler folder-path request body
define headers : request-headers request
+ pretty-print : and body (utf8->string body)
: range-requested : assoc-item headers 'range
disallow-range : not : or range-requested : assoc-item headers 'accept-language ;; accept-language is typically interactive, so if it is not present, we fall back to providing the whole file in one go. This is just a heuristic, though. There is no good way to detect "will accept Range response, even though it did not request it".