M NEWS +2 -0
@@ 1,5 1,7 @@
wisp-mode 0.4.0 (2024-09-21):
- provide wisp--eval-block (C-M-x) to send the current block to a buffer nammed *shell*.
+- wisp--find-begin-and-end-of-block-around-region can cope with empty lines
wisp 1.0.12 (2024-03-20):
- do not include doctest output in examples (this broke install on Apple systems, because ._-files are interpreted as mac metadata)
M wisp-mode.el +2 -1
@@ 44,6 44,7 @@
;; - 0.4.0: provide wisp--eval-block (C-M-x)
;; to send the current block to a buffer nammed *shell*.
+;; wisp--find-begin-and-end-of-block-around-region can cope with empty lines
;; - 0.3.0: provide wisp-color-indentation-minor-mode
;; that highlights the indentation levels, following wisp-semantics (period and colon)
;; - 0.2.9: enabled imenu - thanks to Greg Reagle!
@@ 377,7 378,7 @@ To eval the current block, please use M-
(wisp--highlight-indentation-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(defun wisp--find-begin-and-end-of-block-around-region (begin end)
- "Search around the current region and return the wisp-block around it."
+ "Search around the current region (BEGIN and END) and return the wisp-block around it."
(let ((begin (if (not begin)