@@ 215,19 215,32 @@ prev, not to prev+tab."
(wisp--indent curr)))
-(defun wisp--eval-block ()
- "Send the current block to a *shell* buffer similar to `eval-defun'."
- (interactive)
- (if (eq nil (member "*shell*" (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list))))
- (error "There is no buffer named \"*shell*\": cannot send the command.
-To eval the current block, please use M-x shell and open a REPL there")
+(defvar wisp--eval-process-target "*shell*")
+(defun wisp--eval-block (arg)
+ "Send the current block to a target buffer (by default *shell*).
+Set ARG \\<mapvar> & \\[command] to select the target buffer.
+Similar to `eval-defun'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (or arg
+ (not (process-live-p (get-buffer-process
+ wisp--eval-process-target))))
+ (setq wisp--eval-process-target
+ (completing-read
+ "Shell: "
+ (seq-map (lambda (el) (buffer-name (process-buffer el)))
+ (process-list)))))
+ (if (not (member wisp--eval-process-target (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list))))
+ (error (concat "There is no buffer named \"" wisp--eval-process-target "\": cannot send the command.
+To eval the current block, please use M-x shell and open a REPL there"))
- (set-mark (point)) ;; C-M-x
+ (set-mark (point))
(let* ((block (string-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties (mark) (point)))))
- (process-send-string "*shell*" block)
- (process-send-string "*shell*" "\n\n")))))
+ (process-send-string wisp--eval-process-target block)
+ (process-send-string wisp--eval-process-target "\n\n")))))
; use this mode automatically