Note in "chunk not at zero indentation" that a new chunk starts after two blank lines.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M wisp-scheme.w
M wisp-scheme.w +1 -1
@@ 472,7 472,7 @@ define* : wisp-scheme-indentation-to-par
                       cons 0 : cdr : car lines
                       cdr lines
              throw 'wisp-syntax-error
-               format #f "The first symbol in a chunk must start at zero indentation. Indentation and line: ~A"
+               format #f "The first symbol in a chunk must start at zero indentation. Two blank lines start a new chunk. Indentation and line: ~A"
                  car lines
          let loop
            : processed '()