@@ 657,7 657,7 @@ And then there are generator-expressions
print k
-/(These are synthetic code examples to show you all the interacting features as little space as possible. Make them three times as long and calling into external functions at every step, then you have something close to real code I read and wrote.)/
+/(These are synthetic code examples to show you all the interacting features in as little space as possible. Make them three times as long and calling into external functions at every step, then you have something close to real code I read and wrote.)/
Both of these expressions are valid Python, and they yield the same result, but in the tutorials I saw over the years, newcomers mostly learn the first style, not the second - and the first style is the original Python-syntax. When you see that second syntax in raw form, it looks really bolted-on and the parentheses only barely contain, how alien it is to the original Python: