% Set page layout.
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% {spine}{edge}{ratio}
%% print as TASCHENBUCH (much cheaper).
% A5 with increased height to be scaled to TASCHENBUCH for epubli (190mmx125mm);
% only adjusts placement of images, not of the text (because I do not use \setulmarginsandblock
%% For Komascript
% \documentclass[9pt,pagesize,DIV12,normalheadings,idxtotoc,BCOR5mm,headexclude,footexclude]{scrbook}
% \setlength{\paperwidth}{120mm}% Engelsdorf
% \setlength{\paperheight}{190mm}
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% \typearea[current]{last}
% Format: Mitte Rand Text
% \setulmargins{30pt}{*}{*}
% \setheadfoot{10pt}{10pt}
% move footnotes into the margin
% ensure that sidefootnotes and footnotes use the same counter
% finalize the layout
% Reduce spacing of lists
% align sublists in the spell-lists to the paragraph.
% fix the sidefootnotes
% elegant sidefootnotemarks, works up to 99 sidefootnotes per chapter.
\sidefootmarkstyle{\settowidth{\footmarkwidth}{\textsuperscript{#1}}\checkoddpage\ifoddpage\hspace*{\marginparwidth}\hspace*{-2.8mm}\hspace*{0.5\footmarkwidthoften}\hspace*{-0.5\footmarkwidth}\textsuperscript{#1}\hspace*{\marginparwidth}\vspace{-1.45\onelineskip} \else \hspace*{1.05mm}\hspace*{0.5\footmarkwidthoften}\hspace*{-0.5\footmarkwidth}\textsuperscript{#1}\vspace{-0.5\onelineskip} \fi}
% fix the sidebar
% make every footnote a sidefootnote (otherwise the footnotes flow beyond the lower page border). To align the odd page, adjust hspace* and includegraphics width to fit, scale hspace around 4x width.
\renewcommand{\maketitlehookb}{\newpage} % das verschiebt Autoren
% und Datum auf die nächste Seite.
% Set table column coloring start
% Provide roman numerals with \rom{n}
% add hyperref last to avoid some problems with packages
% pdf: with color
% print: no color
% \hypersetup{
% colorlinks,
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% urlcolor={white!30!black}
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