% make PDF reproducible as by https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/229605/reproducible-latex-builds-compile-to-a-file-which-always-hashes-to-the-same-va/313605#313605
% For pdfTex:
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% \usepackage{fixltx2e}
% \usepackage{booktabs} % breaks build
% use m for vertical middle or b for vertical above, p hangs at the top
% thanks to https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/12712/53957
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% avoid overfull and underfull boxes
% \usepackage{color}
% \usepackage{minted}
% \usepackage[textwidth=185pt,marginparwidth=115pt,marginparsep=14pt]{geometry} % does not affect the rest
% of the layout, so the document breaks.
\usepackage[ngerman, english, germanb]{babel}
\usepackage{lmodern} % monospace font
% Best fonts, by my feeling: Kepler (clearer), then Baskerville (more intense, but slightly harder to read, with italics significantly harder to read). Both are licensed under the GPL.
% FONT Kepler
% \usepackage[oldstyle,oldstylemath]{kpfonts}
% FONT Baskerville, method from Fabian Heller via https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/241202
% Kepler seems to fit more hard requirements, but Baskerville has something hard to describe.
\usepackage[sups,scaled=1.02]{Baskervaldx} % swash: more ligatures, lining/osf: osf: old style (tosf) in text, tlf in math, lining: ?
\renewcommand*\copyright{\textcopyright}% needed to avoid failing on \copyright
\usepackage[baskervaldx,cmintegrals,bigdelims,vvarbb]{newtxmath} % math italic letters from Baskervaldx
\usepackage[cal=boondoxo]{mathalpha} % mathcal from STIX, unslanted a bit
% Discussion of fonts: https://r2src.github.io/top10fonts/
% More fonts: https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/
% font from from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/264587 by user12711 %%%
% %%%% FONTS PACKAGE OPTIONS in the Preamble %
% %%%% always replace default Computer Modern with Latin Modern [T1] encoding:
% \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} % MONO Latin Modern Font % T1 encoding of cmtt font style
% \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{lmr} % SERIF Latin Modern Font % T1 encoding of cmr font style
% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{lmss} % SANS Latin Modern Font % T1 encoding of cmss font style
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % PSNFSS \ssfamily fonts (SANS)
% \usepackage{helvet}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % PSNFSS Font, in every TeX distribution
% \usepackage{avant}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % PSNFSS Font, in every TeX distribution
% % % % Extended \ssfamily (Sans) fonts; load extraFonts option from TeX
% \usepackage[scaled=0.88]{berasans}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}% package has a handy scaling option
% \usepackage{libris}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % a nice, almost handwritten calligraphic look
% \usepackage{biolinum}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % included with the {Libertine} font package
% \usepackage{iwona}
% \usepackage{paratype}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
% \usepackage{tgheros}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % PSNFSS \rmfamily fonts (SERIF)
% \usepackage{mathptmx,txfonts}\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{txr}\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault} % Times % PSNFSS Font, in every TeX distribution %
% \usepackage{charter} % Bitstream Charter % PSNFSS Font, in every TeX distribution %
% \usepackage{newpxtext,newpxmath} % Palatino
% \usepackage{bookman} % Bookman % PSNFSS Font in every TeX
% \usepackage{chancery} % Zapf Chancery % PSNFSS Font in every TeX, a Calligraphic Font
% \usepackage{newcent} % New Century Schoolbook % PSNFSS Font in every TeX distribution % To replace it's Avant Garde sans add this:% \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{xxx}
% % % % Extended \rmfamily (SERIF) fonts; load extraFonts option from TeX
% \usepackage[scaled=0.88]{beraserif} % package has a handy scaling option
% \usepackage{XCharter} % Bitstream's Charter extended with many style varieties
% \usepackage{fouriernc} % Century Schoolbook % compact and lighter than New Century Schoolbook
% \usepackage{tgschola} % TeX Gyre Schola, New Century Schoolbook with many font style varieties
% \usepackage{tgtermes} % TeX Gyre Termes, Times with many font style varieties
% \usepackage{tgbonum} % TeX Gyre Bonum, Bookman with many font style varieties
% \usepackage{tgpagella}% TeX Gyre Pagello, a Palatino font with many font style varieties, screen
% \usepackage{fourier} % Utopia, package {utopia} is obsolete
% \usepackage{txfonts} % TX Serif and Sans (Helvetica)
% \usepackage{kpfonts} % KP Serif and Sans, large variety of font styles, Palatino adjusted by Kepler project, nicer than Pagello (IMO)
% \usepackage{fbb} % A Garamond Font (Bembo) with many font styles
% %%% NOTE!!! Be sure to comment out all but ONE Serif and ONE Sans
% %%% from the package selections above.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % Load Math Support if necessary
% %
% \usepackage[myFontPackage]{mathdesign}
% %
% %
% %%% END OF FONTS In the Preamble
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[babel,protrusion=true,expansion=true,tracking=true,stretch=15,shrink=10]{microtype} % reduced stretch and shrink, 10 is safe, 15 is almost safe, 20 is visible. See http://www.khirevich.com/latex/microtype/
% multiple columns, i.e. for the charsheets
\usepackage{multicol} % https://de.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Multiple_columns
\usepackage{dashrule} % for \hdashrule[0.5ex]{4cm}{1pt}{3mm}
% Stelle sicher, dass \checkoddpage \ifoddpage die richtige Seitenzahl bekommt, kann mehrere Durchläufe brauchen.
% verbiete Schusterjungen und Hurenkinder
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% erlaube kürzere Seiten
% do not put numbers in section headers
% initialize an index
% and a glossary
% \changeglossactual{?}
% \changeglossnum{\thepage}
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% provide kasten environment
% Add the page number to references
% add a sidebar graphics which is mirrored to always point towards the inner fold.
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% background images below the sidebar, usage example \bgimageLOmirrored{0.4}{enchantress-necromancer.pdf}{enchantress-necromancer-mirrored.pdf}{\label{fig:necromancer}\label{fig:enchantress}}
% do not use this inline, else it can hit the wrong page. Use it with a #+latex: call separated from the rest with empty lines.
\newcommand{\bgimageLOmirrored}[4]{\phantomsection\strictpagecheck\checkoddpage\ifoddpage \ThisLRCornerWallPaper{#1}{#2}\else \ThisLLCornerWallPaper{#1}{#3}\fi#4}
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% good unicode support