7c7e742b8de9 — Arne Babenhauserheide 14 years ago
doubled cost for finger repeats on the pinky.
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M config.py
M layout_cost.py
M config.py +1 -0
@@ 15,6 15,7 @@ WEIGHT_POSITION_QUADRATIC_BIGRAMS = 0.1 #:100 #: the product of the cost of the letters in a bigram, divided by the number of keystrokes. The numbers are about factor 50 below the position cost — consistently for text of different length.
 WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS = 512 #: Cost of a finger repeat. Gets additional +1 from the row change on the same finger.
 WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_INDEXFINGER_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 #: Cost of a finger repeat on rhe indexfinger (hurts less). Warning: Any value different from 1 means that the percentage of finger repeats reported by check_neo.py will be incorrect.
+WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_PINKY_MULTIPLIER = 2 #: Cost of a finger repeat on rhe pinky (hurts much more on the one-hand gameboard). Warning: Any value different from 1 means that the percentage of finger repeats reported by check_neo.py will be incorrect.
 WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_CRITICAL_FRACTION = 0.0005 #: The cost of finger repeats with a fraction of the bigrams higher than this is increased sharply, relative to the amount by which they exceed the fraction. Value guessed from experience from effchen (adnw ln disturbs writing, below that does not). 0.05% is about once per DinA4-page (30 lines, 60 letters). There should be no single finger repetition which appears once per DinA4 page, because that will stick to ones mind as a cludge.
 WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_CRITICAL_FRACTION_MULTIPLIER = 5 #: The amount of usage higher than the critical fraction is multiplied by this multiplier. Warning: Any value different from 1 means that the percentage of finger repeats reported by check_neo.py will be incorrect.

M layout_cost.py +4 -1
@@ 124,8 124,11 @@ def finger_repeats_from_file(data=None, 
         if finger1 and finger2 and finger1 == finger2:
             # reduce the cost for finger repetitions of the index finger (it’s very flexible)
-            if finger1.startswith("Zeige") or finger2.startswith("Zeige"):
+            if finger1.startswith("Zeige"):
+            # reduce the cost for finger repetitions of the index finger (it’s very flexible)
+            elif finger1.startswith("Klein"):
             # increase the cost abovet the critical point
             if number > critical_point and number_of_keystrokes > 20: # >20 to avoid kicking in for single bigram checks.
                 #print(pair, number, number/number_of_keystrokes, WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_CRITICAL_FRACTION, (number - critical_point)*WEIGHT_FINGER_REPEATS_CRITICAL_FRACTION_MULTIPLIER)