@@ 68,3 68,38 @@ vxüäö pf,.k
# 0.852292 asymmetrc bigrams (weighted)
# 6.654881 inconsistent symmetries of similar keys (weighted)
# Finger load %: 9.3 8.3 13.6 13.4 - 14.0 9.4 8.0 8.4
+# Evolved Layout
+zluaj wbdgyqß
+crieo mntsh⇘
+vxüäö pf,.k
+│ ^ │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ 0 │ - │ ` │ ← │
+│ ⇥ │ z │ l │ u │ a │ j │ w │ b │ d │ g │ y │ q │ ß │ Ret│
+├─────┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┬──┴┐ │
+│ ⇩ │ c │ r │ i │ e │ o │ m │ n │ t │ s │ h │ ⇘ │ ´ │ │
+│ ⇧ │ ⇚ │ v │ x │ ü │ ä │ ö │ p │ f │ , │ . │ k │ ⇗ │
+│Strg│ Fe │ Alt│ Leerzeichen │ M4 │ Fe │ Me │Strg│
+# 10.80273 x100 total penalty per letter
+# 39.53509 x10 billion total penalty compared to notime-noeffort
+# 7.360321 mean key position cost in file 1gramme.txt ( 53.87359184 )
+# 12.59101 % finger repeats in file 2gramme.txt ( 60.78193777916656 )
+# 11.28743 million keystrokes disbalance of the fingers ( 22.574869325684904 )
+# 0.304113 % finger repeats top to bottom or vice versa ( 7.340390718957632 )
+# 3.558787 % of trigrams have no handswitching (after direction change counted x 1 ) ( 15.741637866814612 )
+# 8.133885 billion (rows²/dist)² to cross ( 105.74050597705991 )
+# 0.028892 hand disbalance (4% shift is too much). Left: 0.5288929639627516 %, Right: 0.47110703603724835 % ( 0.8459237944134501 )
+# 0.0 badly positioned shortcut keys (weighted).
+# 14.47868 no handswitching after unbalancing key (weighted).
+# 31.33680 movement pattern cost (weighted).
+# 0.843626 asymmetric bigram cost (weighted).
+# 49.79422 irregularity cost (weighted).
+# 14.94932 manually assigned bigram penalty (weighted)
+# 10.39451 unbalancing key after neighboring finger (weighted)
+# 0.843626 asymmetrc bigrams (weighted)
+# 6.654881 inconsistent symmetries of similar keys (weighted)
+# Finger load %: 9.3 8.3 8.3 18.7 - 14.0 9.4 8.0 8.4