implement textfiles-to-game.w, a simpler structure to create interactive stories more easily.
5 files changed, 369 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M dryads-wake.w
A => tests-textfile-input/welcome
A => textfiles-to-game-footer.w
A => textfiles-to-game-header.w
A => textfiles-to-game.w
M dryads-wake.w +1 -1
@@ 157,7 157,7 @@ define : load-game ;; TODO: extract to g
                              ,(first-encounter state)
-define : read-line
+ndefine : read-line
       let loop : : chars '()
           define char : read-char

A => tests-textfile-input/welcome +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@ 
+It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites
+I hope this works for you!
+Read again?

A => textfiles-to-game-footer.w +71 -0
@@ 0,0 1,71 @@ 
+;; are we running as webserver?
+define running-as-webserver #f
+define : exit state
+    Print
+        You reached the end of the story
+        that is already written.
+        Please come back with our next release.
+define : help args
+    format : current-output-port
+           . "~a [-i] [--help | --version | --test | --server [host]]\n"
+           first args
+define %this-module : current-module
+define : test scene
+  define state : game-state-init!
+  ;; analyze the plot
+  define : module->filename mod
+      string-append
+          string-join : map symbol->string : module-name mod
+              . "/" 
+          . ".w"
+  pretty-print
+      analyze : list : module->filename %this-module
+  set-speed-extremely-fast!
+  when scene
+          (eval (string->symbol scene) %this-module ) state
+define : final-action? args
+   ;; abuse revealed-count for speed scaling
+   set-speed-normal!
+   if {(length args) > 1}
+     cond
+       : equal? "--help" : second args
+         help args
+         . #t
+       : equal? "--version" : second args
+         format : current-output-port
+                . "~a\n" version
+         . #t
+       : equal? "--test" : second args
+         test : if {(length args) > 2} (third args) #f
+         . #t
+       : member (second args) '("--servertest" "--server")
+         set! running-as-webserver #t
+         as-webserver
+             λ :
+               welcome : game-state-init!
+               Print
+                   ""
+                   Reload this website to play again.
+             ;; to set your own static site instead of websocket.static-response add
+             ;; . #:static-response "<the full text content of the static site>"
+         . #t
+       : equal? "--scene" : second args
+         apply
+           module-ref %this-module
+             string->symbol : third args
+           list : game-state-init!
+         . #t
+       else #f
+     . #f
+define : main args
+    when : not : final-action? args
+         welcome : game-state-init!
+;; for emacs (progn (defun test-this-file () (interactive) (save-current-buffer) (async-shell-command (concat (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)) " --test"))) (local-set-key (kbd "<f9>") 'test-this-file)(defun analyze-plot () (interactive) (save-current-buffer) (async-shell-command (concat "./analyze-plot.w " (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))) (local-set-key (kbd "<f8>") 'analyze-plot))

A => textfiles-to-game-header.w +36 -0
@@ 0,0 1,36 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# -*- wisp -*-
+# ensure that (language wisp) is pre-compiled
+if ! guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -c '' 2>/dev/null; then
+    guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -c '(import (language wisp spec))' >/dev/null 2>&1
+# run textfiles-game as module to ensure it is used pre-compiled
+if [[ "$1" == "--server" ]]; then
+    exec -a "$0" guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -x .w -e '(textfiles-game)' -c '' "${@}"
+    exec -a "$0" guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -x .w -e '(textfiles-game)' -c '' "${@}" # 2>/dev/null
+; !#
+;; no declarative modules because we change bindings.
+eval-when (expand) : false-if-exception : user-modules-declarative? #f
+define-module : textfiles-game
+    . #:export : main
+    . #:declarative? #f
+    only (srfi srfi-19) current-date date->string string->date date->time-utc time-utc->date
+                      . make-time time-utc time-duration add-duration current-time
+    only (srfi srfi-9) define-record-type
+    only (srfi srfi-11) let-values
+    only (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print
+    only (ice-9 format) format
+    only (srfi srfi-1) first second third alist-cons assoc lset<= lset-intersection lset-difference remove drop
+    only (ice-9 ftw) scandir
+    doctests
+    enter
+    only (d6) roll check
+    only (names) first-names last-names
+    only (game-helpers) game-state game-state-scene game-state-scene-set! game-state-init! game-state-key game-state-key-set! game-state-key-equal? game-state-things game-state-things-contains? game-state-things-add-one! game-state-things-remove-one! game-state-id game-state-id-set! game-state-name game-state-name-set! name->id define-scene profile-ability-score describe-ability-score make-profile state-profile state-profile-key-set! score->description increase-ability-probabilistic challenge save-state load-state game-states uniquify-id game-state-outcomes-contains? game-state-outcomes-add! game-state-outcomes-remove! define-outcome state-profile-wounds-add! state-profile-wounds-cure! as-webserver make-secret game-state-secret game-state-secret-set! sanitize-string
+    only (analyze-plot) analyze

A => textfiles-to-game.w +248 -0
@@ 0,0 1,248 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# -*- wisp -*-
+# This is a parser for a simplified format to enable basic usage of enter.w for more people.
+# Just write multiple files in one folder, each starting with one line per person to enter,
+# then an empty line, then blocks starting with the person and then lines of text. 
+# In the last block have alternating lines with question and the next filename to switch to.
+# Switching to the filename exit ends the game.
+# Example:
+# --- welcome
+# Robert
+# Arne
+# Robert
+# It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites
+# Arne
+# I hope this works for you!
+# Read again?
+# welcome
+# Exit?
+# exit
+# ensure that (language wisp) is pre-compiled
+if ! guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -c '' 2>/dev/null; then
+    guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -c '(import (language wisp spec))' >/dev/null 2>&1
+# run textfiles-to-game as module to ensure it is used pre-compiled
+if [[ "$1" == "--server" ]]; then
+    exec -a "$0" guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -x .w -e '(textfiles-to-game)' -c '' "${@}"
+    exec -a "$0" guile -L $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) -C $(dirname $(realpath "$0")) --language=wisp -x .w -e '(textfiles-to-game)' -c '' "${@}" # 2>/dev/null
+; !#
+;; no declarative modules because we change bindings.
+eval-when (expand) : false-if-exception : user-modules-declarative? #f
+define-module : textfiles-to-game
+    . #:export : main
+    . #:declarative? #f
+import : only (srfi :1) first second remove drop
+         only (srfi srfi-9) define-record-type
+         ice-9 ftw
+         ice-9 match
+         only (ice-9 rdelim) read-delimited
+         doctests
+         only (ice-9 optargs) define*
+         only (ice-9 rdelim) read-line
+         only (srfi :26) cut
+define* : map-over-lines/port fun port #:key (terminator eof-object?)
+  define terminator?
+    if : or  (procedure? terminator) (macro? terminator)
+       . terminator
+       cut equal? terminator <>
+  let loop : (lines '()) (line (read-line port))
+    if : or (terminator? line) (eof-object? line)
+      begin
+        reverse! lines
+      loop
+        cons : fun line
+             . lines
+        read-line port
+define just-files
+            ;; Remove the `stat' object the `file-system-tree' provides
+            ;; for each file in the tree.
+            match-lambda
+               : name stat              ; flat file
+                 . name
+               : name stat children ... ; directory
+                 map just-files children
+               else '()
+define : list-files folder
+   ##
+     tests
+         test-equal '("tests-textfile-input/welcome")
+             list-files "tests-textfile-input"
+   map : λ(c) : string-join (list folder c) file-name-separator-string
+         remove list? : just-files : file-system-tree folder
+define-record-type <scenefile>
+  make-scenefile enter content choose
+  . scenefile?
+  enter scenefile-enter
+  content scenefile-content
+  choose scenefile-choose
+define : parse-file filename
+  ##
+    tests
+      test-equal
+          make-scenefile
+              ' "Robert" "Arne"
+              ' 
+                  "Robert" "It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites"
+                  "Arne" "I hope this works for you!"
+              ' "Read again?" "welcome" "Exit?" "exit"
+          parse-file "tests-textfile-input/welcome"
+  define port : open-input-file filename
+  define enter
+    map-over-lines/port identity port #:terminator ""
+  define choices #f
+  define content
+    let loop : (blocks '())
+      define block : map-over-lines/port identity port #:terminator ""
+      cond
+        : and (null? block) (null? blocks)
+          '
+        : null? block
+          set! choices : car blocks
+          reverse! : cdr blocks
+        else : loop : cons block blocks
+  if choices ; good file
+      make-scenefile enter content choices
+      . #f
+define : format-enter people
+    ##
+        tests
+            test-equal "    Enter
+        Robert
+        Arne
+                format-enter
+                    ' "Robert" "Arne"
+    format #f "    Enter\n~a\n"
+        string-join
+            map : λ(name) : string-append "        " name
+                . people
+            . "\n"
+define : format-one-paragraph paragraph
+    ##
+        tests
+            test-equal "    Robert
+        It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites.
+        I mean it.
+                format-one-paragraph
+                    list "Robert"
+                       . "It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites."
+                       . "I mean it."
+    define person : car paragraph
+    define lines : cdr paragraph
+    format #f "    ~a\n~a\n" person
+        string-join
+            map : λ(line) : string-append "        " line
+                . lines
+            . "\n"
+define : format-choose questions-and-answers
+    ##
+        tests
+            test-equal "    Choose
+        : Read again?
+          ,(welcome state)
+        : Exit?
+          ,(exit state)
+                format-choose
+                    ' "Read again?" "welcome" "Exit?" "exit"
+    when : not : zero? : modulo (length questions-and-answers) 2
+        error "The lines of questions and answers must be a multiple of two, but the length is ~a" : length questions-and-answers
+    format #f "    Choose\n~a\n"
+        let loop : (lines '()) (qa questions-and-answers)
+            if : null? qa
+               string-join (reverse lines) "\n"
+               let
+                   : question : format #f "        : ~a" : first qa
+                     answer : format #f   "          ,(~a state)" : second qa
+                   loop : cons answer : cons question lines
+                        drop qa 2
+define : format-scene scenename scenefile
+    ##
+        tests
+            test-equal "define-scene : welcome state
+    Enter
+        Robert
+        Arne
+    Robert
+        It would be nice to be able to turn stories into playable websites
+    Arne
+        I hope this works for you!
+    Choose
+        : Read again?
+          ,(welcome state)
+        : Exit?
+          ,(exit state)
+                format-scene "welcome"
+                    parse-file "tests-textfile-input/welcome"
+    define c
+    format #f "define-scene : ~a state\n~a\n~a\n~a"
+        . scenename
+        format-enter : scenefile-enter scenefile
+        string-join : map format-one-paragraph : scenefile-content scenefile
+            . "\n"
+        format-choose : scenefile-choose scenefile
+define : convert folder
+  define header : read-delimited "" : open-input-file "textfiles-to-game-header.w"
+  define footer : read-delimited "" : open-input-file "textfiles-to-game-footer.w"
+  define filenames
+      list-files folder
+  define contents
+      map parse-file filenames
+  define scenenames
+      map basename filenames
+  string-join
+      append : list header
+        map format-scene scenenames contents
+        list footer
+      . "\n\n"
+define : help args
+    format #t "~a <folder>\n\nthis writes into a file named textfiles-game.w" : car args
+define %this-module : current-module
+define : test args
+  doctests-testmod %this-module
+define : main args
+    cond
+      : null? : cdr args
+        help args
+      : member "--help" args
+        help args
+      : member "--test" args
+        test args
+      else
+        with-output-to-port : open-output-file "textfiles-game.w"
+            λ () : display : convert : second args
+        chmod "textfiles-game.w" #o700
+;; for emacs (progn (defun test-this-file () (interactive) (save-current-buffer) (async-shell-command (concat (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)) " --test"))) (local-set-key (kbd "<f9>") 'test-this-file)(defun analyze-plot () (interactive) (save-current-buffer) (async-shell-command (concat "./analyze-plot.w textfiles-game.w"))) (local-set-key (kbd "<f8>") 'analyze-plot))