# custom home link so the RSS export works
#+HTML_LINK_HOME: https://www.draketo.de/software
#+INCLUDE: ../org-templates/level-1.org
#+title: How to do X with Emacs Org-Mode
#+date: <2021-08-23 Mo>
[[http://gnu.org/s/emacs][Emacs]] [[http://orgmode.org][Org mode]] keeps me organized. Here I plan to incrementally gather tipps.
#+begin_export html
<div class="sourcebox" markdown="1" >
<a href="org-mode.pdf"><img width="168" height="235" title="PDF" src="../assets/pdf-thumbnail.png" /></a><br />
<a href="org-mode.pdf">PDF</a> (drucken)
#+toc: headlines 2
#+begin_export html
.org-src-container pre, pre.example {
font-size: smaller;
overflow-x: auto;
min-width: unset;
margin: 0em;
* full-page images per page for printing via latex eport
:CUSTOM_ID: full-page-image-export-latex
:ID: 9822f663-02ba-4b9e-8d08-9f7c50a32f03
:PUBDATE: <2021-08-23 Mo 09:41>
Task: create a PDF with full-width images for printing.
#+html: <small>
#+begin_src org
,#+latex_header: \usepackage[margin=0.0cm]{geometry}
,#+options: toc:nil
# ## upside image ##
,#+latex: \noindent
,#+attr_latex: :width 0.9999\textwidth :height 0.9999\textheight :options keepaspectratio=true,angle=90
# ## rotated image ##
,#+latex: \noindent
,#+attr_latex: :width 0.9999\textwidth :height 0.9999\textheight :options keepaspectratio=true
# ## two images per page ##
,#+latex: \noindent
,#+attr_latex: :width 0.9999\textwidth :height 0.495\textheight :options keepaspectratio=true
,#+latex: \noindent
,#+attr_latex: :width 0.9999\textwidth :height 0.495\textheight :options keepaspectratio=true
# ## keep some space around the images
,#+latex: \noindent
,#+attr_latex: :width 0.98\textwidth :height 0.98\textheight :options keepaspectratio=true
#+html: </small>
Now just export with =C-c C-e l p= (export to pdf). (the 0.9999 height and width prevent LaTeX from skipping pages)
To turn these into a gallery with 4x4 images per page to cut out the
images, you can use pdfnup:
#+begin_src bash
pdfnup --nup 4x4 --no-landscape foo.pdf
# creates foo-nup.pdf
* agenda-and-todo: my most important planning tool
:CUSTOM_ID: agenda-and-todo
:ID: 5055dbc8-a4da-48d4-9c9f-b7ee00e214a8
:PUBDATE: <2021-08-26 Do 11:00>
/When I open my Emacs, I hit F12./
This is what keeps me organized — at home as well as at work. As you
can see with the high scheduled count, it isn't perfect, but whenever
I skip it, I lose focus. A lifesaver at work, staying ahead of
important tasks at home.
It’s a custom agenda combined with [[https://www.draketo.de/light/english/free-software/el-kanban-org-table][kanban.el]] and optimized TODO states.
Put this into your =~/.emacs.d/init.el= to replicate it:
#+begin_src elisp
;; KDE: show custom agenda with kanban via f12:
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("o" "Agenda and TODOs"
(tags-todo "-notodo-TERMIN" ((org-agenda-block-separator ?-)))
(tags "KANBAN" ((org-agenda-block-separator ?-)
(org-agenda-compact-blocks nil)
(org-agenda-overriding-header ""))))))))
;; from https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TransposeWindows solution by Robert Bost
(defun rotate-windows (arg)
"Rotate your windows; with prefix argument to rotate the other direction"
(interactive "P")
(if (not (> (count-windows) 1))
(message "You can't rotate a single window!")
(let* ((rotate-times (prefix-numeric-value arg))
(direction (if (or (< rotate-times 0) (equal arg '(4)))
'reverse 'identity)))
(dotimes (_ (abs rotate-times))
(dotimes (i (- (count-windows) 1))
(let* ((w1 (elt (funcall direction (window-list)) i))
(w2 (elt (funcall direction (window-list)) (+ i 1)))
(b1 (window-buffer w1))
(b2 (window-buffer w2))
(s1 (window-start w1))
(s2 (window-start w2))
(p1 (window-point w1))
(p2 (window-point w2)))
(set-window-buffer-start-and-point w1 b2 s2 p2)
(set-window-buffer-start-and-point w2 b1 s1 p1)))))))
(defun my/org-agenda-show-kanban ()
(search-forward ":KANBAN:")
(recenter-top-bottom 0)))
(defun agenda-and-todo ()
(org-agenda nil "o")
(rotate-windows 1))
;; systemsettings shortcuts: map f12 to
;; emacsclient -e '(progn (show-frame)(agenda-and-todo))'
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'agenda-and-todo)
To make it look like the screenshot, also set some options in the org-file:
#+begin_src org
,#+STARTUP: overview
# TAG TERMIN is excluded from the Kanban table
,#+STARTUP: hidestars logdone
,#+SEQ_TODO: ❢ ☯ ⧖ | ✔ DEFERRED
# logdone adds a DONE timestamp when switching from a TODO (before |)
# to a DONE keyword (after |)
# State with (!) behind it means, add a timestamp when switching to that.
# See http://orgmode.org/manual/Tracking-TODO-state-changes.html
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
,#+TBLFM: @1='(kanban-headers $#)::@2$1..@>$>='(kanban-zero @# $# "-TERMIN" 'file)
If you use this, the following could also come in handy:
#+begin_src elisp
;; KDE: update all agenda kanban tables with C-S-f12 (ctrl-shift f12)
(defun kanban-update-all ()
(cl-loop for i in org-agenda-files do
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect i)
(save-excursion ;; avoid changing the position in the agenda files
(while (search-forward "='(kanban-" nil t)
;; systemsettings shortcuts: map control shift f12 to
;; emacsclient -e '(progn (show-frame)(kanban-update-all))'
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-<f12>") 'kanban-update-all)
* create a simple gantt-chart from a table with Gnuplot
:CUSTOM_ID: gantt
:ID: f03dfa8a-70a2-497a-ae17-c0bb9e413228
:PUBDATE: <2021-09-27 Mo 19:22>
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart][Gantt-Charts]] make it easy to grasp project organization tasks at a
glance. If you only need smaller projects with limited scope and 4-6
participants, it is viable to create them directly from an org-mode
#+call: KollAbAccessGantt()
All data is in the following Table:
#+tblname: gantt-table
| Task | Effort | Start | End | Who |
| Time available | 1 | <2020-11-02 Mo> | <2020-11-13 Fr> | |
| Task 0 | 2 | <2020-11-03 Di> | [2020-11-05 Thu] | Al |
| Task 1 | 1 | <2020-11-05 Do> | <2020-11-06 Fr> | Bo |
| Task 2 | 3 | <2020-11-05 Do> | [2020-11-10 Di] | Ca |
| Task 3 | 2 | <2020-11-06 Fr> | <2020-11-10 Di> | Ca |
| Task 4 | 2 | <2020-11-06 Fr> | <2020-11-06 Fr> | Bo |
| Task 5 | 1 | <2020-11-10 Di> | <2020-11-10 Di> | Bo |
| Task 6 | 1 | <2020-11-11 Mi> | <2020-11-12 Do> | Bo |
| Task 7 | 2 | <2020-11-09 Mo> | <2020-11-10 Di> | Al |
| Task 8 | 1 | <2020-11-12 Do> | <2020-11-12 Do> | Al |
| Task 9 | 1 | <2020-11-06 Fr> | <2020-11-09 Mo> | Al |
| Task 10 | 1 | <2020-11-12 Do> | <2020-11-13 Fr> | Bo |
| Task 11 | 1 | <2020-11-13 Fr> | <2020-11-13 Fr> | |
the time available row ensures that the whole project-duration is
shown. You need to set the start and end dates manually: Hit =C-c .=
to enter the calendar and select the date.
The parsing is done by the following code:
#+name: KollAbAccessGantt
#+begin_src gnuplot :var DATA=gantt-table :session gantt-chart :file gantt-out.png :exports code
# http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/demo_5.1/gantt.html
OneMonth = strptime("%m","2")
OneWeek = strptime("%U","2")
OneDay = strptime("%d","2")
timeformat = "%Y-%m-%d %a"
T(N) = timecolumn(N,timeformat)
set xdata time
set format x "%a\n%d\n%b\n'%y"
set xtics OneDay nomirror
set xtics scale 2, 0.5
set mxtics 7
set yrange [(skiptorow-2):] reverse
set ytics nomirror
unset key
set title "{/=15 My Project}"
set grid x y
set border 3
set style arrow 1 nohead filled size screen 0.02, 15 fixed lt 3 lw 8
plot DATA using (T(3)) : ($0) : (T(4)-T(3)) : (0.0) : yticlabel(1) with vector as 1
You might have to add gnuplot to your active languages:
#+begin_src elisp
'((gnuplot . t)))
** More complex Gantt with plantuml
:ID: e9fcb6fd-a8e8-4690-b872-43cb283f949c
:CUSTOM_ID: gantt-plantuml
If you need something more complex, you can go to the full [[https://plantuml.com/de/gantt-diagram][plantuml DSL]]. Example:
#+begin_src plantuml :file my-complex-project.png :exports both
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
' see https://plantuml.com/gantt-diagram
Project starts at 2021-04-26
[Configuration] as [C] on {DEV1:50%} lasts 1 day
note bottom
end note
[Implementation] as [I] on {DEV2} lasts 3 days
note bottom
in multiple
end note
[I] starts at [C]'s end with green bold link
{DEV2} is off on 2021-04-30
The full source of these examples with the org-mode sourceblocks is available [[https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/draketo/browse/software/org-mode-tipps.org][in my website's source-code]].
** Projects to export gantt from the org-mode tree
:CUSTOM_ID: gantt-more
:ID: 6cb0ea54-96de-4291-879c-0b8d45aab322
- [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler.html][exported to taskjuggler]]
- [[https://github.com/legalnonsense/elgantt/][as interactive, emacs-hosted website]]
- [[https://github.com/swillner/org-gantt/blob/master/org-gantt-manual.pdf][via LaTeX]]
[2021-09-27 Mo]
* export to markdown and latex
:CUSTOM_ID: export-markdown-latex
:ID: cfb8be29-5663-4821-b9e6-a4923a692ae9
:PUBDATE: <2021-10-18 Mo 19:08>
#+begin_src org
(require 'ox-md)
,#+begin_export markdown
# foo
,#+begin_export latex
[2021-10-18 Mo]
* run org-capture from commandline
:CUSTOM_ID: org-capture-commandline
:ID: 0ac27637-f1f6-49fb-b667-dd459b780139
:PUBDATE: <2021-11-11 Do 12:50>
#+begin_src bash
emacs -nw -e org-capture
I call this in the shell via =CRTL-r capture ENTER=: Search backwards for the last command with capture.
[2021-11-11 Do]
* How I stay ahead of tasks with org-mode
:CUSTOM_ID: ahead-of-tasks
:ID: 13c4a3de-9eb6-43ae-848b-569365913c5b
:PUBDATE: <2022-03-01 Di 09:48>
I found that org-mode is the only organization tool for which using the
tool actually reduces the time I need for organization. That works by
taking notes in org-mode, too, and keeping it simple.
I also found that whenever I skip organizing in org-mode, I lose focus
and time used (lost?) for tasks extends a lot.
The basics of my setup are:
** Custom starting point: agenda-with-kanban
:ID: 79e93734-4187-48d0-b590-254d51c4547b
A function to show the agenda it besides the Kanban table. I start
each day and after each larger break by hitting F12. It shows me the
agenda and entry points into my work. This enables me to stay focussed.
** One planning file
:ID: 6feb36da-e46c-4b87-b67b-090bdf84ce66
I have a single file for all my tasks. That keeps working
surprisingly long. Once a year or so it needs some cleanup to become
faster again.
** Kanban Table at the top
:ID: cdbeb26e-ab8c-48e1-a8e5-67ba0054f5a7
I have a kanban table. It shows as most important information the
tasks I am doing right now. If I am doing more than three work-tasks
at the same time, it’s warning sign that I’m becoming inefficient.
With this I start every day in org-mode by clicking on the link of the
project from the kanban table to get to its notes (which I also track
in org-mode). See
→ https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/kanban.el
** Capture tasks for Projects
:ID: 003f1a8c-9ff7-48b2-b5ea-6fff3a64427b
Projects have as many tasks as I need to track. At work they are
usually Stories (3-5 days). Nowadays I create new tasks by using
org-capture templates with one template per larger project and one for
bugs, but I used to just use two templates (which might be a
better fit for you):
- (i) task to start immediately and
- (l) task to start later
** Setup
:ID: 3597b5f5-312a-436c-b751-b28e6127ace3
#+begin_src elisp
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("o" "Agenda and TODOs"
(tags-todo "-notodo-TERMIN" ((org-agenda-block-separator ?-)))
(tags "KANBAN" ((org-agenda-block-separator ?-)
(org-agenda-compact-blocks nil)
(org-agenda-overriding-header ""))))))))
(defun my/org-agenda-show-kanban ()
(search-forward ":KANBAN:") ;; uses the KANBAN tag
(recenter-top-bottom 0)))
(defun agenda-and-todo ()
(org-agenda nil "o")
;; desktop systemsettings shortcuts: map f12 to
;; emacsclient -e '(progn (show-frame)(agenda-and-todo))'
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'agenda-and-todo)
[2022-03-01 Di]
* Effort in Clocktable and Columns
:CUSTOM_ID: effort-clocktable-columns
:ID: ae7d317f-b73b-4fd4-ace0-d67784fe4646
:PUBDATE: <2022-03-01 Di 09:48>
To track how much time you need for tasks and train to get better at estimating, you can use org-set-effort.
I did that at work for a while.
By having the effort in a clocktable I could see progress *when needed*.
Hitting R in the org-agenda shows the clockreport-mode and you can see
the Effort in the agenda by customizing
org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist (with =M-x customize-variable=):
#+begin_src elisp
(quote (:link t :maxlevel 2 :properties ("Effort"))))
For a while I had the clocktable active by default in the org-agenda.
You can also add that to the column-mode (org-columns) to get a quick
overview for a file (leave with org-columns-quit). Customize:
#+begin_src elisp
"%25ITEM %TODO %3PRIORITY %TAGS %17Effort(Estimated Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM")
[2022-03-01 Di]
* integrating accounting with ledger into org-mode
:CUSTOM_ID: ledger-org
:ID: 1a89893b-3aba-4414-91a3-20392f8e4ef9
:PUBDATE: 2023-02-05 So 02:31
#+begin_src elisp :exports results
'((ledger . t) ;this is the important one for this tutorial
If you use ledger-cli for accounting, you can do pretty clever
post-processing inside org-mode. Here’s an example that uses
[[https://www.ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Output-customization][--register-format]] to provide the register results directly as an
org-mode table:
#+begin_src org
,#+name: ledger-to-table
,#+begin_src elisp :var data=""
(concat "#+name: ledger-results\n"
"#+tblfm: \n"))
,#+header: :post ledger-to-table(*this*)
,#+header: :cmdline reg -D --register-format "| [%(format_date(date)) %(payee)] | %(display_account) | %(display_amount) | %(display_total) | \n" --wide --date-format %Y-%m-%d
,#+begin_src ledger :results raw
2022-06-15 * py2guile
Assets:epubli 3.13€
This results in output like this (evaluated live on every export of this website):
#+name: ledger-to-table
#+begin_src elisp :var data=""
(concat "#+name: ledger-results\n"
"#+tblfm: \n"))
#+header: :post ledger-to-table(*this*)
#+header: :cmdline reg -D --register-format "| [%(format_date(date)) %(payee)] | %(display_account) | %(display_amount) | %(display_total) | \n" --wide --date-format %Y-%m-%d
#+begin_src ledger :exports both :noweb-ref ledger-data :results raw
2022-06-15 * py2guile
Assets:epubli 3.13€
#+name: ledger-results
| [2022-06-15 - 2022-06-15] | Assets:epubli | 3.13€ | 3.13€ |
| [2022-06-15 - 2022-06-15] | Income:epubli | -3.13€ | 0.00€ |
To supercharge this, use noweb to re-use your filings for other
formats. Set :noweb-ref in the data-block and then use it for other
reports. This for example gives todays balance for the different
#+begin_src org
,#+header: :post ledger-to-table(*this*)
,#+header: :cmdline bal --wide --date-format %Y-%m-%d --flat --balance-format "| %(partial_account) | %(display_total) | \n"
,#+begin_src ledger :exports both :noweb no-export :results raw
#+header: :post ledger-to-table(*this*)
#+header: :cmdline bal --wide --date-format %Y-%m-%d --flat --balance-format "| %(partial_account) | %(display_total) | \n"
#+begin_src ledger :exports both :noweb no-export :results raw
#+name: ledger-results
| Assets:epubli | 3.13€ |
| Income:epubli | -3.13€ |
| | 0 |
/This uses direct evaluation and customized noweb-delimiters via:/
#+begin_src org
# Local Variables:
# org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil
# org-babel-noweb-wrap-start: "{{{"
# org-babel-noweb-wrap-end: "}}}"
# End:
Also see
- https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-ledger.html
- https://www.ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Org-mode-with-Babel
[2023-02-04 Sa]
# specific RSS feed
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Emacs Org-Mode" href="https://www.draketo.de/software/org-mode-tipps.xml" />
#+setupfile: ../org-templates/level-1-software.org
#+RSS_BASE_URL: https://www.draketo.de/software
#+RSS_FEED_URL: https://www.draketo.de/software/org-mode-tipps.xml
#+RSS_IMAGE_URL: https://www.draketo.de/assets/portrait.png
# Local Variables:
# org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil
# org-export-default-language: de
# org-babel-noweb-wrap-start: "{{{"
# org-babel-noweb-wrap-end: "}}}"
# org-latex-images-centered: nil
# End:
# override template options:
#+options: toc:nil H:2 num:nil ^:nil
* Easy signature-block for multiple signatures in org
:CUSTOM_ID: signature
:ID: 0495eb86-daf6-4319-b63e-a14cfb5c77a4
:PUBDATE: 2023-10-06 Fr 16:36
I’ve long struggled to create simple signature lines, using
=\hrulefill=, =\uline= and some of [[https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/368419/53957][the other options]].
But all of these didn’t really match what I wanted, so here’s a
simpler version for org-mode:
#+begin_src org
,#+latex: \vfill
,#+latex_header: \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % for German-formatted dates
,#+latex: \newcommand{\pA}{THE NAME 1}
,#+latex: \newcommand{\dA}{\today}
,#+latex: \newcommand{\lA}{LOCATION}
,#+latex: \newcommand{\pB}{THE NAME 2}
,#+latex: \newcommand{\dB}{\today}
,#+latex: \newcommand{\lB}{LOCATION}
| @@latex:\pA@@ | @@latex:\hspace{1cm}@@ | @@latex:\pB@@ |
| | | |
| @@latex:\underline{\phantom{\pA}}@@ | | @@latex:\underline{\phantom{\pB}}@@ |
| @@latex:\tiny \dA, \lA@@ | | @@latex:\tiny \dB, \lB@@ |
[2023-10-06 Fr]
* Include an imagemap with a plantuml diagram
:CUSTOM_ID: plantuml-imagemap
:ID: 48204540-5349-4d3d-be2d-43328e9c4fc9
:PUBDATE: 2024-01-10 Mi 10:22
Embed a plantuml diagram with clickable links via simple imagemap.
** Example
:ID: 64dd9366-afa7-49ab-92ac-f51a3e6e5dce
#+begin_src plantuml :noweb-ref plantuml-imagemap-diagram :file plantuml-imagemap-diagram.png
title Plantuml diagram with Imagemap
hide empty members
hide circle
' scale dpi to fit the width of the page, otherwise the imagemap below is broken
skinparam dpi 72
class link [[#plantuml-imagemap-code]] #skyblue
link : to code
link -> example
#+attr_html: :style width:unset;max-width:unset :usemap #plantuml_map
#+html: <div style="visibility: hidden">
#+begin_src plantuml :noweb yes :file plantuml-imagemap-diagram.map :cmdline "-pipemap" :exports results
#+html: </div>
#+begin_src bash :results output html :exports results
cat plantuml-imagemap-diagram.map
** Code
:CUSTOM_ID: plantuml-imagemap-code
:ID: 036e3452-4891-4626-81fb-31a6aa482ee1
#+begin_src org
,#+begin_src plantuml :noweb-ref plantuml-imagemap-diagram :file plantuml-imagemap-diagram.png
title Plantuml diagram with Imagemap
hide empty members
hide circle
' scale dpi to be small enough so the image does not get scaled, otherwise the imagemap is broken
skinparam dpi 72
class link [[#plantuml-imagemap-code]] #skyblue
link : to code
link -> example
,#+attr_html: :style width:unset;max-width:unset :usemap #plantuml_map
,#+html: <div style="visibility: hidden">
,#+begin_src plantuml :noweb yes :file plantuml-imagemap-diagram.map :cmdline "-pipemap" :exports results
,#+html: </div>
,#+begin_src bash :results output html :exports results
cat plantuml-imagemap-diagram.map
/This is a quite contrived hack, but it works. Note that the width
*must* be *unset* to avoid breaking the imagemap coordinates./
/Stackoverflow provides several answers to avoid this limitation in
case you want responsive images: [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7844399/responsive-image-map][Responsive Image Map]]./
I’m using this is [[file:programming-basics-wisp.org][Programming Basics: a map of Scheme with Wisp]].
[2024-01-10 Mi]
# Local Variables:
# org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil
# End: