M README +12 -1
@@ 11,11 11,22 @@ I not sure that there is a valid reason
pragmatic solution for durty use cases. Autoshelve will avoid you
wasting time until you meet and find a good solution.
-Note: Shelve operations may be very long for certain repositories. In
+ Shelve operations may be very long for certain repositories. In
this cases you may want to disable or enable autoshelve in the
configuration file of the repository.
+Install hg-autoshelve using ``pip``::
+ pip install hg-autoshelve
+Then enable the extension in your `mercurial configuration file
+ [extensions]
+ hgext3rd.autoshelve=
M hgext3rd/autoshelve/metadata.py +4 -4
@@ 33,12 33,12 @@ EXTENSIONS = {
b'metaedit', b'fold'
-__doc__ = b"""Automatic dirty working directory shelving.
+__doc__ = """Automatic dirty working directory shelving.
Automatically call `shelve` before a command then `unshelve`
once it's done.
-Wrapped commands are %s.
+Wrapped commands are {commands}.
A `--noshelve` options is added to them to disable the feature.
@@ 60,6 60,6 @@ Shelves are named as `autoshelve-RANDOMH
prefix flollwed by a random hex. They are removed immediatly, unless
the command fails as explained previously. You can delete them using
`hg shelve --delete --name autoshelve-RADOMEHEX`.
-""" % ', '.join(
+""".format(commands=', '.join(
"'%s'" % cmd for cmd in sorted(
- COMMANDS + [cmd for cmds in EXTENSIONS.values() for cmd in cmds]))
+ COMMANDS + [cmd for cmds in EXTENSIONS.values() for cmd in cmds])))
A => setup.py +40 -0
@@ 0,0 1,40 @@
+import io
+import os.path
+from distutils.core import setup
+ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+def read_file(*path):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, *path)
+ with io.open(fullpath, encoding='utf-8') as fobj:
+ return fobj.read()
+def get_metadata():
+ """Return metadata."""
+ metadata = {}
+ exec(read_file('hgext3rd', 'autoshelve', 'metadata.py'), metadata)
+ metadata['readme'] = read_file('README')
+ return metadata
+METADATA = get_metadata()
+ name='hg-autoshelve',
+ version=METADATA['__version__'].decode('utf-8'),
+ author='Alain Leufroy',
+ author_email='~alainl/hg-autoshelve@lists.sr.ht',
+ maintainer='Alain Leufroy',
+ maintainer_email='~alainl/hg-autoshelve@lists.sr.ht',
+ url='https://hg.sr.ht/~alainl/hg-autoshelve',
+ description=METADATA['readme'].split('\n', 2)[1],
+ long_description=METADATA['readme'],
+ long_description_content_type='text/x-rst',
+ keywords='hg mercurial shelve',
+ license='GPLv2+',
+ packages=['hgext3rd.autoshelve'],
+ package_dir={'hgext3rd': os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hgext3rd')},