@@ 379,19 379,19 @@ public class IO
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("About to go into the various input processors; has been " + upToNow/1000000 + " milliseconds.");
- logger.info("BLDG Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("BLDG Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("CTZN Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("CTZN Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("CULT Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("CULT Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("DIFF Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("DIFF Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("ERAS Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("ERAS Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("ESPN Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("ESPN Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("EXPR Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("EXPR Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
if (fromSAV) {
//FLAV does not ALWAYS follow EXPR when embedded
@@ 407,19 407,19 @@ public class IO
- logger.info("GOOD Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("GOOD Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("GOVT Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("GOVT Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("RULE Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("RULE Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("PRTO Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("PRTO Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("RACE Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("RACE Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("TECH Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("TECH Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("TFRM Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("TFRM Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
if (convertToConquests == 1)
TRFM airfield = new TRFM(this);
@@ 480,9 480,9 @@ public class IO
- logger.info("TERR Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("TERR Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
- logger.info("WSIZ Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
+ logger.debug("WSIZ Bytes read: " + dataInputted + "; input bytes read = " + ins[0].numBytesRead);
if (version == civ3Version.CONQUESTS && !fromSAV)
@@ 1704,10 1704,17 @@ public class IO
dataInputted += 4;
numRules = integer;
for (int i = 0; i < numRules; i++)
rule.add(new RULE(this));
+ //Standard length:
+ // 64 * 6 culture levels = 384
+ // 4 * 10 spaceship parts = 40
+ // 296 other bytes = 296
+ // 720 total = 720
+ //N.B. This doesn't include the 4 bytes for dataLength
+ int adjustmentFromStandardLength = 0;
int ruleLength = in.readInt();
dataInputted += 4;
//Begin fix for 1.00 issue
@@ 1725,6 1732,7 @@ public class IO
rule.get(i).setMetropolisName(new String(inputThirtyTwo, currentCharset));
int numSpaceshipParts = in.readInt();
dataInputted += 4;
+ adjustmentFromStandardLength += (numSpaceshipParts - 10) * 4;
//Obsolete - now calculated automatically
//input number of each part required
@@ 1859,6 1867,7 @@ public class IO
//Obsolete - now calculated automatically
//input name of each cultural level
+ adjustmentFromStandardLength += (numCultureLevelNames - 6) * 64;
for (int j = 0; j < numCultureLevelNames; j++)
in.read(inputSixtyFour, 0, 64);
@@ 1874,7 1883,10 @@ public class IO
//Early versions of Vanilla did not have the last 5 fields
//in RULE.
- if (ruleLength > 692) {
+ //Combined with PTW/Conquests additions, these add up to 28
+ //bytes fewer than the 720 standard, which then must be adjusted
+ //if spaceship parts/culture level name lengths are non-standard
+ if (ruleLength > (692 + adjustmentFromStandardLength)) {
integer = in.readInt();
dataInputted += 4;
@@ 1908,10 1920,12 @@ public class IO
else if (convertToConquests > 0) {
- if (ruleLength < 712) {
+ //712 is the "standard" length of latest-version Vanilla BICs
+ //The last 8 will be added by the two conversion calls
+ if (ruleLength < (712 + adjustmentFromStandardLength)) {
//Add data length for the fields added in later versions
//of Vanilla.
- rule.get(i).setDataLength(712);
+ rule.get(i).setDataLength(712 + adjustmentFromStandardLength);
@@ 2552,7 2566,7 @@ public class IO
dataInputted += 4;
int bytesOfAllowedResourceDataToInput = (integer + 7) / 8;
- logger.info("Inputting " + bytesOfAllowedResourceDataToInput + " bytes of data on allowed resources.");
+ logger.trace("Inputting " + bytesOfAllowedResourceDataToInput + " bytes of data on allowed resources.");
for (int j = 0; j < bytesOfAllowedResourceDataToInput; j++)
inputByte = in.readByte();