Add a utility method to grab a tile based on its coordinates. Kind of surprised one of these didn't already exist.
#189 - Fix Sengoku and other scenarios with fewer than 10 spaceship parts not being openable.
Standardize pedia icon paths to use forward-slashes (/) so they will work cross-operating-system.
Clarify the market vs lux slider attributes.
#183 - Properly update the stealth target list when a unit is deleted.
Add logging info about the likely cause of the UNIT header failing.
Restore JDK 1.5 compatibility for Shared Projects. Had added some diamond operators.
Add methods for getting the "hard" owner of a tile, based on direct city/colony/unit control of it (versus borders, which the "owner" and "ownerType" variables cover).
Add test BIQ files that I forgot to add when adding them to the test suite.
Tests for the new method.
Add a river connection convenience check.
Default the citizens quelled per military unit to 1 instead of 0.
Initialize the SLOCs for ancient BIC files that don't have them. This allows a converted version 2.10 BIC to be loaded in-game. The entire test suite is also now passing, although 2.05 is a little suspicious as a non-failing error is printed to the console.
Use new convenience methods for setting/checking status of TILE start location. Avoids proliferation of bitwise operations. Also avoids minor mistakes such as using XOR instead of OR in the addStartingLocation method. That should not be a problem in that case, but shows the risk of error when using bitwise operations wildly. Also set up the structure for adding SLOCs for ancient BIC files.
Set more sensible defaults for new GAME sections.
Extract the GAME initialization, and add playable civ to it. Honestly still not 100% sure it's correct. The test passes, but it's not openable in the Firaxis editor, and there are some suspicious error messages in the test, albeit not enough to fail it.
Fix some data-length-on-save issues when converting from early Vanilla in ESPN and RULE, and a paren-on-wrong-line RULE issue. Set sensible default defaults for border factor for early BIC files without this setting.
Add support for custom rules in version 2.05 BIC files. We also have support for version 4.01 (the final vanilla version). While I am not 100% about all the versions in between, this bookended support should get us a good chunk of the way there.
Add a test for verifying binary equality when AoI 4.1 is opened and saved, going forward.