Create the Great Lakes branch.

This involves making a few things configurable, reading pop figures from a
different table, and a few other tweaks that should probably be more
M src/main/java/DBObjects/CalculatedObjects/ +3 -0
@@ 34,6 34,9 @@ public class CurrencyFigure {
     public CurrencyFigure convertTo(String resultCurrency) throws CurrencyConversionException {
+        if (currency.equals(resultCurrency)) {
+            return this;
+        }
         ExchangeRates rates = ExchangeRates.getExchangeOptions(new ExchangeRateKey(currency, year));
         if (rates == null) {
             rates = ExchangeRates.getInterpolatedExchangeOptions(new ExchangeRateKey(currency, year));

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/CityInfoFile/ +5 -1
@@ 78,7 78,8 @@ public class City {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() - 0.2, city.getLatitude() - 0.3);
         else {
-            this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() - 0.1, city.getLatitude() - 0.2);
+            //Should be map specific, this doesn't apply for all maps
+            this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude(), city.getLatitude());
         int region = 1;
         switch (city.getCountry().getDistrict()) {

@@ 108,6 109,9 @@ public class City {
     public void setFlag(String countryName, int year) {
         switch (countryName) {
+            case "United States":
+                this.fLAG = new FLAG("");
+                break;
             case "United Kingdom":
                 this.fLAG = new FLAG("");

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/ +1 -1
@@ 170,7 170,7 @@ public class DBReader {
         List<UrbanPopulationDB> demographics = new ArrayList<>();
         try {
             PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
-                "SELECT City, Year, Population from UrbanPopulation"
+                "SELECT City, Year, Population from CityPopulation"
             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
             while ( {

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/ +28 -20
@@ 69,6 69,9 @@ public class Main {
     private static DecimalFormat percentFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
+    final static String sqliteFile = "C:/Development/Gear City/North America/NorthAmerica.sqlite";
+    final static String modPath = "D:\\Gear City Mods\\Great Lakes\\";
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 //        testXMLExport();

@@ 81,7 84,7 @@ public class Main {
         citiesXML = ImportCitiesFromXMLFile(citiesXML, citiesAlreadyExisting);
         Main.nextXMLID = citiesXML.getCityList().size() + 1;
-        DBReader dbReader = new DBReader("D:/Gear City Mods/CityInfo.sqlite");
+        DBReader dbReader = new DBReader(sqliteFile);
         List<CountryDB> countries = dbReader.readCountryInfo();
         List<RegionDB> regions = dbReader.readRegionInfo();
         List<CityDB> cities = dbReader.readCityInfo();

@@ 92,20 95,23 @@ public class Main {;
         //Test our currency conversion
-        CurrencyFigure oneThousandNorwegianKroner = new CurrencyFigure(1900, 1000, "NOK");
-        //Easy test: Convert to British pounds
-        CurrencyFigure britishPounds = oneThousandNorwegianKroner.convertTo("GBP");
-        System.out.println("1000 NOK is worth " + britishPounds + " pounds sterling in 1900");
-        //A bit tougher, needs a hop: Convert to U.S. dollars
-        CurrencyFigure americanDollars = oneThousandNorwegianKroner.convertTo("USD");
-        System.out.println("1000 NOK is worth " + americanDollars + " U.S. in 1900");
-        //BEF intermediary.  Must go BEF -> NOK -> GBP
-        CurrencyFigure oneThousandBelgianFrancs = new CurrencyFigure(1900, 1000, "BEF");
-        CurrencyFigure francsInPounds = oneThousandBelgianFrancs.convertTo("GBP");
-        System.out.println("1000 BEF is worth " + francsInPounds + " U.S. dollars in 1900");
-        //Toughest one: Belgian Francs.  Must go BEF -> NOK -> GBP -> USD
-        CurrencyFigure francsInDollars  = oneThousandBelgianFrancs.convertTo("USD");
-        System.out.println("1000 BEF is worth " + francsInDollars + " U.S. dollars in 1900");
+        boolean testCurrencyConversion = false;
+        if (testCurrencyConversion) {
+            CurrencyFigure oneThousandNorwegianKroner = new CurrencyFigure(1900, 1000, "NOK");
+            //Easy test: Convert to British pounds
+            CurrencyFigure britishPounds = oneThousandNorwegianKroner.convertTo("GBP");
+            System.out.println("1000 NOK is worth " + britishPounds + " pounds sterling in 1900");
+            //A bit tougher, needs a hop: Convert to U.S. dollars
+            CurrencyFigure americanDollars = oneThousandNorwegianKroner.convertTo("USD");
+            System.out.println("1000 NOK is worth " + americanDollars + " U.S. in 1900");
+            //BEF intermediary.  Must go BEF -> NOK -> GBP
+            CurrencyFigure oneThousandBelgianFrancs = new CurrencyFigure(1900, 1000, "BEF");
+            CurrencyFigure francsInPounds = oneThousandBelgianFrancs.convertTo("GBP");
+            System.out.println("1000 BEF is worth " + francsInPounds + " U.S. dollars in 1900");
+            //Toughest one: Belgian Francs.  Must go BEF -> NOK -> GBP -> USD
+            CurrencyFigure francsInDollars  = oneThousandBelgianFrancs.convertTo("USD");
+            System.out.println("1000 BEF is worth " + francsInDollars + " U.S. dollars in 1900");
+        }
         PrintDBDiagnostics(countries, regions, cities, regionalDemographics, urbanPopulation);

@@ 158,15 164,17 @@ cityDBLoop: for (CityDB city : cities) {
             Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
             DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
-            ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City" + year + ".xml", transformer, source);
-            ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City2020.xml", transformer, source);
+            ExportToCityFile(modPath + "Maps\\Great Lakes\\scripts\\City" + year + ".xml", transformer, source);
+            ExportToCityFile(modPath + "Maps\\Great Lakes\\scripts\\City2020.xml", transformer, source);
         //Update TurnEvents.xml
-        updateTurnEvents(cities);
+        if (false) {
+            updateTurnEvents(cities);
+        }
         //Copy things over
-        Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\desktopCopy.bat", null, new File("D:/Gear City Mods/Europe Expanded II/"));
+        Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(modPath + "desktopCopy.bat", null, new File(modPath));
         int result = proc.waitFor();
         InputStream es = proc.getErrorStream();
         System.out.println("Result of copy process = " + result);

@@ 425,7 433,7 @@ cityDBLoop: for (CityDB city : cities) {
         try {
             DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
             DocumentBuilder dBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
-            Document doc = dBuilder.parse(new File("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded\\Maps\\Europe Expanded\\scripts\\City1900.xml"));
+            Document doc = dBuilder.parse(new File("C:\\Software\\Games\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\GearCity\\media\\Maps\\Great Lakes\\scripts\\City1900.xml"));
             cityDB = XMLToBeanObjUtil.convertXmlToBeanObject(doc);
             List<City> cities = cityDB.getCityList();