Don't return null for pop figures, but a dummy figure, if there aren't any

Tweak lat/lon adjustment.  For EEIII I should really make a formula based on
the curvature of the Earth and the map, as these tweaks are hacky, but this is
good enough for now.
M src/main/java/DBObjects/ +10 -2
@@ 118,14 118,22 @@ public class CityDB {
         if (beforeOrAfter == TimePreference.BEFORE) {
             if (closestBefore != null)
                 return new AnnualPopFigure(closestBefore);
-            else
+            else if (closestAfter != null)
                 return new AnnualPopFigure(closestAfter);    //couldn't find on or before, give the closest we've got
+            else {
+                logger.warn("Could not find pop figures for " +;
+                return new AnnualPopFigure(year, 100);  //not available
+            }
         else {
             if (closestAfter != null)
                 return new AnnualPopFigure(closestAfter);
-            else
+            else if (closestBefore != null)
                 return new AnnualPopFigure(closestBefore);   //couldn't find on or after, give the closest we've got
+            else {
+                logger.warn("Could not find pop figures for " +;
+                return new AnnualPopFigure(year, 100);  //not available
+            }

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/CityInfoFile/ +4 -1
@@ 68,12 68,15 @@ public class City {
         if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("Portugal")) {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() + 0.15, city.getLatitude() - 0.125);
-        else if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("United Kingdom")) {
+        else if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("United Kingdom")  && !city.getName().equals("Valletta")) {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() + 0.1, city.getLatitude() - 0.2);
         else if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("Spain")) {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude(), city.getLatitude() - 0.2);
+        else if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("Netherlands") || city.getCountry().getName().equals("Belgium")) {
+            this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() - 0.2, city.getLatitude() - 0.3);
+        }
         else {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() - 0.1, city.getLatitude() - 0.2);