Generate the 1910 XML file.

This involved a bit of re-arranging so we try to create population maps up front, and then create the XML cities just prior to exporting to XML.  It does mean there's some re-processing of the "source" EE1 1900 XML file to re-import things, and those cities don't get the nice progression that newer ones do.  This also highlights our lack of interpolation in intermediary years.  Still, it is a step forward.
M src/main/java/DBObjects/ +2 -0
@@ 69,6 69,8 @@ public class CityDB {
         System.out.println(name + " has " + percentFormat.format(pop * 100) + "% of the people in " + region.getName() + " in " + year);
+    //TODO: Interpolation, exterpolation
+    //E.g. England has 1891, 1911, it will use 1891 for a long time...
     public Integer getBaseUrbanPopulation(int year) {
         if (populationByYear.containsKey(year)) {
             return populationByYear.get(year);

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/ +1 -1
@@ 121,7 121,7 @@ public class DBReader {
         List<CityDB> cities = new ArrayList<>();
         try {
             PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
-                "SELECT NAME, Region, Country, Longitude, Latitude, XML_ID, Picture from CityInfo"
+                "SELECT NAME, Region, Country, Longitude, Latitude, XML_ID, Picture from CityInfo Where Disabled is NULL"
             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
             while ( {

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/ +90 -44
@@ 42,9 42,15 @@ import org.w3c.dom.Document;
  * @author Andrew
 public class Main {
+    //This will eventually go obsolete once we load everything from our DB
+    //Prior to that, it might decrease when we load EE1 cities from the DB
+    static int nextXMLID = 125;
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 //        testXMLExport();
         Set<String> citiesAlreadyExisting = new HashSet<>();
         CreateCityDB cityDB = null;

@@ 85,6 91,67 @@ public class Main {
                 AddRegionalCities(region, citiesAlreadyExisting, cityDB);
+        updateExistingXMLCities(citiesAlreadyExisting, cityDB);
+        int[] years = { 1900, 1910 };
+        for (int year : years) {
+            //Re-import so we don't add cities to the XML more than once
+            cityDB = ImportCitiesFromXMLFile(cityDB, citiesAlreadyExisting);
+            updateExistingXMLCities(citiesAlreadyExisting, cityDB);
+cityDBLoop: for (CityDB city : cities) {
+                //See if it's already in the XML, if so skip
+                for (City xml : cityDB.getCityList()) {
+                    if (xml.getNAME().getName().equals(city.getName())) {
+                        continue cityDBLoop;
+                    }
+                }
+                System.out.println("Creating " + city + " in year " + year);
+                System.out.println("  The population is " + city.getAdjustedRegionalBasedPopulation(year));
+                City xmlCity = new City(city, year, year + 10);
+                cityDB.getCityList().add(xmlCity);
+            }
+            //Export back to file
+            Document document= BeanToXMLUtil.convertBeanToXML(cityDB);
+            TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
+            Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
+            DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
+            ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City" + year + ".xml", transformer, source);
+            ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City2020.xml", transformer, source);
+        }
+        //Copy things over
+        Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\desktopCopy.bat", null, new File("D:/Gear City Mods/Europe Expanded II/"));
+        int result = proc.waitFor();
+        InputStream es = proc.getErrorStream();
+        System.out.println("Result of copy process = " + result);
+        if (result != 0) {
+            System.out.println("Errors encountered while copying:");
+            int count = 0;
+            for (;;) {
+                count = es.available();
+                if (count == 0) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                byte[] b = new byte[count];
+      ;
+                String string = new String(b);
+                System.out.println(string);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Updates:
+     *  - Picture
+     *  - Region
+     * N.B. Long-term I would like to just load everything from our DB always.
+     * @param citiesAlreadyExisting
+     * @param cityDB 
+     */
+    static void updateExistingXMLCities(Set<String> citiesAlreadyExisting, CreateCityDB cityDB) {
         //Update existing cities
         for (String cityName : citiesAlreadyExisting) {
             if (CityDB.cities.containsKey(cityName)) {

@@ 124,56 191,32 @@ public class Main {
-        //Export back to file
-        Document document= BeanToXMLUtil.convertBeanToXML(cityDB);
-        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
-        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
-        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
-        ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City1900.xml", transformer, source);
-        ExportToCityFile("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\Maps\\Europe Expanded II\\scripts\\City2020.xml", transformer, source);
-        //Copy things over
-        Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\Gear City Mods\\Europe Expanded II\\desktopCopy.bat", null, new File("D:/Gear City Mods/Europe Expanded II/"));
-        int result = proc.waitFor();
-        InputStream es = proc.getErrorStream();
-        System.out.println("Result of copy process = " + result);
-        if (result != 0) {
-            System.out.println("Errors encountered while copying:");
-            int count = 0;
-            for (;;) {
-                count = es.available();
-                if (count == 0) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                byte[] b = new byte[count];
-      ;
-                String string = new String(b);
-                System.out.println(string);
-            }
-        }
     static void AddRegionalCities(RegionDB region, Set<String> citiesAlreadyExisting, CreateCityDB cityDB) {
         if (!region.getCountry().getName().isEmpty()) { //eventually, we'll have an optional filter for e.g. a France-only game
             List<RegionalDemographicsDB> regionData = RegionalDemographicsDB.demographicsByRegion.get(region.getName());
             List<CityDB> citiesInRegion = region.getCitiesInRegion();
-            int totalPop = 0;
-            for (CityDB city : citiesInRegion) {
-                totalPop += city.getBaseUrbanPopulation(1900);
-            }
-            for (CityDB city : citiesInRegion) {
-                if (citiesAlreadyExisting.contains(city.getName())) {
-                    //TODO: Update pop anyway, but don't duplicate
-                    continue;
+            int[] years = { 1900, 1910 };
+            for (int year : years ) {
+                int totalPop = 0;
+                for (CityDB city : citiesInRegion) {
+                    totalPop += city.getBaseUrbanPopulation(year);
-                int pop = city.getBaseUrbanPopulation(1900);
-                double percent = (pop + 0.0) / totalPop;
-                city.setPopPercentByYear(1900, percent);
-                city.setXMLID(cityDB.getCityList().size() + 1);     //todo: less hacky
-                City xmlCity = new City(city, 1900, 1910);
-                cityDB.getCityList().add(xmlCity);
+                for (CityDB city : citiesInRegion) {
+                    if (citiesAlreadyExisting.contains(city.getName())) {
+                        //TODO: Update pop anyway, but don't duplicate
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    int pop = city.getBaseUrbanPopulation(year);
+                    double percent = (pop + 0.0) / totalPop;
+                    city.setPopPercentByYear(year, percent);
+                    //TODO: Less hacky.  This shouldn't really be in a loop
+                    if (city.getXmlID() == 0) {
+                        city.setXMLID(Main.nextXMLID);     //todo: less hacky
+                        Main.nextXMLID++;
+                    }
+                }

@@ 187,7 230,10 @@ public class Main {
         for (UrbanPopulationDB demographics : urbanPopulation) {
             CityDB city = CityDB.cities.get(demographics.getName());
-            city.setPopulation(demographics.getYear(), demographics.getPopulation());
+            if (city != null) {
+                //Todo: Don't load demographics for disabled cities.
+                city.setPopulation(demographics.getYear(), demographics.getPopulation());
+            }