M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/CityInfoFile/City.java +26 -13
@@ 60,7 60,7 @@ public class City {
//alignment is always the empty string
this.gOVERN = new GOVERN(1);
this.tAX = new TAX(1.3);
- setFlag(city.getCountry().getName());
+ setFlag(city.getCountry().getName(), xmlYear);
this.pIC = new PIC("Generic.dds");
if (city.getPicture() != null) {
this.pIC = new PIC(city.getPicture() + ".dds");
@@ 103,18 103,31 @@ public class City {
this.bUYRATE = "1";
- public void setFlag(String countryName) {
- if (countryName.equals("United Kingdom")) {
- this.fLAG = new FLAG("UK.dds");
- }
- else if (countryName.equals("Ottoman Empire")) {
- this.fLAG = new FLAG("Ottoman.dds");
- }
- else if (countryName.equals("Austria-Hungary")) {
- this.fLAG = new FLAG("Austria_Hungry.dds"); //misspelled in the base game
- }
- else {
- this.fLAG = new FLAG(countryName + ".dds");
+ public void setFlag(String countryName, int year) {
+ switch (countryName) {
+ case "United Kingdom":
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("UK.dds");
+ break;
+ case "Ottoman Empire":
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("Ottoman.dds");
+ break;
+ case "Austria-Hungary":
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("Austria_Hungry.dds"); //misspelled in the base game
+ break;
+ case "Germany":
+ if (year <= 1918) {
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("GermanEmpire.dds");
+ }
+ else if (year >= 1933 && year <= 1945) {
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("3rdGerman.dds");
+ }
+ else {
+ //Same flag for both Wiemar and modern periods
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG("Germany.dds");
+ } break;
+ default:
+ this.fLAG = new FLAG(countryName + ".dds");
+ break;
M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/Main.java +1 -1
@@ 129,7 129,7 @@ cityDBLoop: for (CityDB city : cities) {
else if (!city.getCountry().getName().equals(xml.getCOUNTRY().getNation())) {
xml.setCOUNTRY(new COUNTRY(city.getCountry().getName()));
- xml.setFlag(city.getCountry().getName());
+ xml.setFlag(city.getCountry().getName(), year);
continue cityDBLoop;