Set resources/infrastructure/skill/wage/manufacturing/manufacturing growth, based on initial formulas.

This basically works, we just need better data especially for urbanization levels in earlier years in areas such as Switzerland and Italy.
M src/main/java/DBObjects/ +77 -0
@@ 9,7 9,9 @@ import static com.ajtjp.gearCity.TimePre
 import exceptions.CurrencyConversionException;
 import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import DBObjects.CalculatedObjects.Interpolater;
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

@@ 71,6 73,13 @@ public class CityDB {
     //TODO: Interpolation, exterpolation
     //E.g. England has 1891, 1911, it will use 1891 for a long time...
+    /**
+     * Returns the unadjusted urban population of this city in a given year.
+     * If that isn't available, gives the figure for the most recent prior year available.
+     * TODO: Interpolation.
+     * @param year
+     * @return 
+     */
     public Integer getBaseUrbanPopulation(int year) {
         if (populationByYear.containsKey(year)) {
             return populationByYear.get(year);

@@ 228,6 237,74 @@ public class CityDB {
+    /**
+     * Formula: 50% based on motorways (not yet available)
+     * 30% based on year of game
+     * 20% based on urbanization level.
+     * This should result in nearly everyone wanting a car by the end, but it
+     * being much lower in the beginning
+     * Until motorways data is added, year/urbanization get a double share.
+     * @param year
+     * @return 
+     */
+    public double getCalculatedInfrastructure(int year) {
+        //Part one: Gradual increase over the years
+        //In 2020, this will give a value of 1.0, in 1960 it will give 0.5, etc.
+        double infrastructureFromYear = (year - 1900) * (1/120);
+        //Part two: Urbanization
+        double urbanizationLevel = getUrbanizationLevel(year);
+        double score = (infrastructureFromYear * 30) + (urbanizationLevel * 20);
+        //Since motorways aren't available, just double the score
+        score *= 2;
+        return score;        
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the calculated manufacturing level for a year.
+     * This is purely based on urbanization for now, theorizing that more urban
+     * populations = more factories = easier to build new factories.
+     * Eventually we may add buffs or debuffs to areas based on historical data.
+     * @param year
+     * @return 
+     */
+    public int getManufacturingLevel(int year) {
+        double urbanizationLevel = getUrbanizationLevel(year);
+        return (int)(urbanizationLevel * 100);
+    }
+    public double getManufacturingGrowth(int year, int nextYear) {
+        double firstRate = getUrbanizationLevel(year);
+        double secondRate = getUrbanizationLevel(nextYear);
+        return Interpolater.CalculateAnnualizedChange(year, nextYear, firstRate, secondRate);
+    }
+    private double getUrbanizationLevel(int year) {
+        int regionPop = this.region.getPopulationInYear(year);
+        double regionalUrbanPop = 0;    //for division purposes
+        List<CityDB> regionCities = this.region.getCitiesInRegion();
+        for (CityDB regionalCity : regionCities) {
+            regionalUrbanPop += regionalCity.getBaseUrbanPopulation(year);
+        }
+        //Scale: 0 = no urbanization.  1 = 75% or higher urbanization
+        double rawUrbanizationValue = regionalUrbanPop/regionPop;
+        double scaledValue = rawUrbanizationValue * (4/3);
+        scaledValue = Math.min(scaledValue, 1.0);
+        return scaledValue;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Super rough estimation of resources.
+     * Averages infrastructure and manufacturing.
+     * @param year
+     * @return 
+     */
+    public double getResources(int year) {
+        double inf = this.getCalculatedInfrastructure(year);
+        double manu = this.getManufacturingLevel(year);
+        return (inf+manu)/2;
+    }
 //    public void get
     public void setXMLID(int id) {

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/CityInfoFile/ +9 -6
@@ 46,13 46,13 @@ public class City {
         this.pOPGROWTH = new POPGROWTH(city.getAnnualizedPopulationGrowthRateBetweenYears(xmlYear, nextXmlYear));
         this.cAPITA = new CAPITA(city.getCalculatedGDPPerCapitaForYear(xmlYear));  //todo: add real value
         this.eCOGROWTH = new ECOGROWTH(city.getCalculatedEcoGrowth(xmlYear, nextXmlYear));
-        this.rESOURCES = new RESOURCES(1);
+        this.rESOURCES = new RESOURCES((int)city.getResources(xmlYear));
         this.gAS = new GAS(1);
-        this.iNF = new INF(50);
-        this.sKILL = new SKILL(50);
-        this.wAGE = new WAGE(20);
-        this.mNFBASE = new MNFBASE(50);
-        this.mANUGROWTH = new MANUGROWTH(1.01);
+        this.iNF = new INF((int)city.getCalculatedInfrastructure(xmlYear));
+        this.sKILL = new SKILL(city.getManufacturingLevel(xmlYear));    //todo: how to figure this out separately?  education?
+        this.wAGE = new WAGE(city.getCalculatedGDPPerCapitaForYear(xmlYear)/12);
+        this.mNFBASE = new MNFBASE(city.getManufacturingLevel(xmlYear));
+        this.mANUGROWTH = new MANUGROWTH(city.getManufacturingGrowth(xmlYear, nextXmlYear));
         //alignment is always the empty string
         this.gOVERN = new GOVERN(1);
         this.tAX = new TAX(1.3);

@@ 67,6 67,9 @@ public class City {
             this.pIC = new PIC(city.getPicture() + ".dds");
         if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("Portugal")) {
+            this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude() + 0.1, city.getLatitude() - 0.2);
+        }
+        else if (city.getCountry().getName().equals("Spain")) {
             this.cORDS = new CORDS(city.getLongitude(), city.getLatitude() - 0.2);
         else {