1. Interpolate pop figures when needed.  Fixes the "no English manufacturing growth in 1900" problem.
2. Tweak the urbanization calculation.  This makes city size a direct component, and also means regions are no longer uniform in this stat.
3. Always use region 2.  The car pops aren't moddable by region, so this must always be 2.

Also remove a few sysouts that should really be debugging level.
M src/main/java/DBObjects/CityDB.java +27 -6
@@ 85,7 85,10 @@ public class CityDB {
             return populationByYear.get(year);
         else {
-            return getPopFigureNearestYear(year, BEFORE).getPopulation();
+            AnnualPopFigure before = getPopFigureNearestYear(year, BEFORE);
+            AnnualPopFigure after = getPopFigureNearestYear(year, AFTER);
+            double pop = Interpolater.Interpolate(year, before.getYear(), after.getYear(), before.getPopulation(), after.getPopulation());
+            return (int)pop;

@@ 209,7 212,7 @@ public class CityDB {
         try {
             CurrencyFigure usDosh = nationalGNPInYear.convertTo("USD");
             Double regionalWealthComparedToNational = this.region.getRegionalWealthComparedToNational(year);
-            System.out.println("  " + this.region.getName() + " wealth relative to " + this.country.getName() + " = " + regionalWealthComparedToNational);
+//            System.out.println("  " + this.region.getName() + " wealth relative to " + this.country.getName() + " = " + regionalWealthComparedToNational);
             return (int)(usDosh.getAmount() * regionalWealthComparedToNational);
         catch(CurrencyConversionException ex) {

@@ 228,7 231,7 @@ public class CityDB {
             CurrencyFigure endInUSD = nationalGDPInEndYear.convertTo("USD");
             double percentagePopGrowth = endInUSD.getAmount()/startInUSD.getAmount();
             double annualizedRate = Math.pow(percentagePopGrowth, 1.0/(endYear - startYear));
-            System.out.println("  The annualized growth rate in " + this.getCountry().getName() + " is " + percentFormat.format((annualizedRate * 100) - 100) + "%");
+//            System.out.println("  The annualized growth rate in " + this.getCountry().getName() + " is " + percentFormat.format((annualizedRate * 100) - 100) + "%");
             return annualizedRate;
         catch(CurrencyConversionException ex) {

@@ 279,6 282,19 @@ public class CityDB {
         return Interpolater.CalculateAnnualizedChange(year, nextYear, firstRate, secondRate);
+    /**
+     * Formula: 50% the percentage of people in the province who are in cities.
+     * This half is the raw percentage multiplied by 1/3 (capped at 100%).
+     * 50% the size of the city, where every 5000 people gives 1 point.
+     * E.g. a city of 50,000 in a province where 50% of the people in the region
+     * are in cities will get a score of:
+     *  - 66.6 from the percentage in cities in the region
+     *  - 10 from the size of the city
+     *  = 38.3 overall
+     * Another city in the same region with 500,000 people would score (66.6+100)/2 = 88.3
+     * @param year
+     * @return The urbanization level, normalized to a range of 0 to 1
+     */
     private double getUrbanizationLevel(int year) {
         int regionPop = this.region.getPopulationInYear(year);
         double regionalUrbanPop = 0;    //for division purposes

@@ 288,9 304,14 @@ public class CityDB {
         //Scale: 0 = no urbanization.  1 = 75% or higher urbanization
         double rawUrbanizationValue = regionalUrbanPop/regionPop;
-        double scaledValue = rawUrbanizationValue * (4/3);
-        scaledValue = Math.min(scaledValue, 1.0);
-        return scaledValue;
+        double scaledRegionalValue =  rawUrbanizationValue * (4/3);
+        scaledRegionalValue = Math.min(scaledRegionalValue, 1.0);
+        //City size value
+        int citySize = this.getBaseUrbanPopulation(year);
+        double citySizeScore = citySize/5000.0;
+        citySizeScore = citySizeScore / 100.0;
+        return Math.min((scaledRegionalValue + citySizeScore)/2, 1.0);

M src/main/java/com/ajtjp/gearCity/CityInfoFile/City.java +1 -0
@@ 99,6 99,7 @@ public class City {
                 region = 6;
+        region = 2; //The car popularities are not moddable per-region; see #89 in the FBS.  Thus we must stick with Europe
         this.rEGION = String.valueOf(region);
         this.bUYRATE = "1";