Updated notes.  Updated city and turn files.
M Distribution Version/Europe Expanded II/mod_Europe Expanded II__Europe Test_City1900.xml +597 -93
@@ 4,73 4,73 @@ 
         <ID id="1"/>
         <NAME name="Dublin"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.004"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="199"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04747"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="16"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.12"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1141218"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.009741901751368"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="26"/>
+        <SKILL ski="65"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="65"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0062034975330267"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.3603"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.1603"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="2"/>
         <NAME name="Belfast"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349200"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00002"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.03896"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="810593"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0092105111550145"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="233"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="44"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="19"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="44"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.023564722063029"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-6.0301"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-5.830100000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="3"/>
         <NAME name="Glasgow"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="912000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="0.996447"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04127"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="2305694"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0084389655488613"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="34"/>
+        <SKILL ski="86"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="86"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0076328439285382"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.3518"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.151800000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="4"/>

@@ 476,7 476,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.650299999999994" long="4.2517000000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5503" long="4.1517"/>

@@ 484,49 484,49 @@ 
         <ID id="21"/>
         <NAME name="Rotterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="370400"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00532"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04318"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="706930"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0126673012924294"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="116"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="22"/>
+        <SKILL ski="55"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="9"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="55"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0073160640082688"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.724399999999996" long="4.3777"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="51.617140000000006" long="4.274"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="22"/>
         <NAME name="Amsterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="523600"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00541"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04539"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="980394"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0098091922972134"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="157"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="31"/>
+        <SKILL ski="78"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="13"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="78"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0054327192629302"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="52.170199999999994" long="4.7952"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="52.0702" long="4.6952"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="23"/>

@@ 1748,7 1748,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.032239999999994" long="4.2975900000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.93224" long="4.19759"/>

@@ 1772,7 1772,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.213319999999996" long="4.34157"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.11332" long="4.241569999999999"/>

@@ 1796,7 1796,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.85001" long="3.6303199999999998"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.75001" long="3.5303199999999997"/>

@@ 2012,7 2012,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.729749999999996" long="1.76087"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.629749999999994" long="1.76087"/>

@@ 5684,7 5684,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.008469999999996" long="3.12504"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.90847" long="3.0250399999999997"/>

@@ 5708,7 5708,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.432289999999995" long="5.46985"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.33229" long="5.36985"/>

@@ 5732,7 5732,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.26497" long="4.765610000000001"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.164970000000004" long="4.66561"/>

@@ 5952,4 5952,508 @@ 
+    <City>
+        <ID id="249"/>
+        <NAME name="Edinburgh"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="925605"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0097208643661757"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0076927308415384"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="55.756069999999994" long="-3.08963"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="250"/>
+        <NAME name="Aberdeen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="429609"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0063558892772544"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="11"/>
+        <SKILL ski="28"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="28"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0050089853194661"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.949" long="-1.9935899999999998"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="251"/>
+        <NAME name="Dundee"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="509705"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0023995679031006"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="31"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="31"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0031145069914138"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.262879999999996" long="-2.87072"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="252"/>
+        <NAME name="The Hague"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="451559"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0278989390274749"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="116"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="9"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0137711123631126"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.778690000000005" long="4.095689999999999"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="253"/>
+        <NAME name="Nijmegen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="573687"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0184947628383505"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="99"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="8"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="8"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0129336296884144"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.528150000000004" long="5.6366"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="254"/>
+        <NAME name="Utrecht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="255099"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0154540289825669"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="145"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="30"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="12"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="30"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0063206562700346"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.78374" long="4.92552"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="255"/>
+        <NAME name="Zwolle"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="337894"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0123434521034462"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="99"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="7"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="7"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0042339980979063"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.212410000000006" long="5.89307"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="256"/>
+        <NAME name="Maastricht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="287192"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0097182628452024"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="104"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="9"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="9"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9995629923526818"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5512" long="5.49109"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="257"/>
+        <NAME name="Leeuwarden"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="342393"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.011005424818498"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="81"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="4"/>
+        <SKILL ski="10"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="10"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0077278213852752"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.900940000000006" long="5.59506"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="258"/>
+        <NAME name="Groningen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="302127"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0111193593633743"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="107"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="7"/>
+        <SKILL ski="17"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="17"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0055356002964277"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.91255" long="6.36573"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="259"/>
+        <NAME name="Hasselt"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="241000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0142191300328773"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="2"/>
+        <SKILL ski="6"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="6"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.005187189782107"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.6306" long="5.13853"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="260"/>
+        <NAME name="Leuven"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="472813"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0080206223226442"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="4"/>
+        <SKILL ski="12"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="12"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0019160737938182"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.58097" long="4.51521"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="261"/>
+        <NAME name="Bastogne"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="219000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.009186579010796"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="1"/>
+        <SKILL ski="2"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="2"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0054802129163678"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="49.7006" long="5.5153099999999995"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="262"/>
+        <NAME name="Valletta"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="181935"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="185"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="0"/>
+        <SKILL ski="0"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="15"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="0"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9919502127774688"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="35.8" long="14.41304"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="263"/>
+        <NAME name="Londonderry"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="444812"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0003827933074512"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="233"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="32"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="19"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="32"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0074861908439872"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="54.79629" long="-7.21108"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="264"/>
+        <NAME name="Galway"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="541919"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0012905980829543"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="16"/>
+        <SKILL ski="41"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="41"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9971397182653872"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="53.07065" long="-8.95684"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="265"/>
+        <NAME name="Cork"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1084484"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9990493789143949"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="25"/>
+        <SKILL ski="63"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="63"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.996537872862213"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.69936" long="-8.37138"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="266"/>
+        <NAME name="Limerick"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="397134"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.000190584383596"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="14"/>
+        <SKILL ski="35"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="35"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9992365615546953"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.4649" long="-8.52923"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="267"/>
+        <NAME name="Waterford"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="222497"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9999175328143521"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="11"/>
+        <SKILL ski="28"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="28"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.00233886976783"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.059889999999996" long="-7.00969"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="268"/>
+        <NAME name="Verdun"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="281506"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9996618502345014"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="160"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0219437493826666"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="2"/>
+        <SKILL ski="6"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="13"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="6"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0000961291561277"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="48.95979" long="5.28239"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="269"/>
+        <NAME name="Besançon"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="316995"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0079046914944947"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="160"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0219437493826666"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="6"/>
+        <SKILL ski="15"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="13"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="15"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9985262882841437"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="47.03966" long="5.921060000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>

M Distribution Version/Europe Expanded II/mod_Europe Expanded II__Europe Test_City2020.xml +594 -90
@@ 4,73 4,73 @@ 
         <ID id="1"/>
         <NAME name="Dublin"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.004"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="199"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04747"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="16"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="2468729"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0075924564800998"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="77098"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="40"/>
+        <SKILL ski="100"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6424"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="100"/>
         <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
         <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
         <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.12"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.3603"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.1603"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="2"/>
         <NAME name="Belfast"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349200"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00002"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.03896"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="973585"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9962298456193678"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="39664"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3305"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.01309118926499"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-6.0301"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-5.830100000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="3"/>
         <NAME name="Glasgow"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="912000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="0.996447"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04127"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="2193969"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9921429689243259"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="38499"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="29"/>
+        <SKILL ski="73"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3208"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="73"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0043251601844796"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.3518"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.151800000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="4"/>

@@ 476,7 476,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.650299999999994" long="4.2517000000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5503" long="4.1517"/>

@@ 484,49 484,49 @@ 
         <ID id="21"/>
         <NAME name="Rotterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="370400"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00532"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04318"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1935921"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0076866668755893"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="50848"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="30"/>
+        <SKILL ski="75"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="4237"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="75"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.006851365365399"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.724399999999996" long="4.3777"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="51.617140000000006" long="4.274"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="22"/>
         <NAME name="Amsterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="523600"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00541"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04539"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="2669084"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.012855023696149"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="68817"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="36"/>
+        <SKILL ski="91"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="5734"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="91"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0092983553531896"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="52.170199999999994" long="4.7952"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="52.0702" long="4.6952"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="23"/>

@@ 1748,7 1748,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.032239999999994" long="4.2975900000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.93224" long="4.19759"/>

@@ 1772,7 1772,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.213319999999996" long="4.34157"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.11332" long="4.241569999999999"/>

@@ 1796,7 1796,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.85001" long="3.6303199999999998"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.75001" long="3.5303199999999997"/>

@@ 2012,7 2012,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.729749999999996" long="1.76087"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.629749999999994" long="1.76087"/>

@@ 5684,7 5684,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.008469999999996" long="3.12504"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.90847" long="3.0250399999999997"/>

@@ 5708,7 5708,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.432289999999995" long="5.46985"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.33229" long="5.36985"/>

@@ 5732,7 5732,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.26497" long="4.765610000000001"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.164970000000004" long="4.66561"/>

@@ 5952,4 5952,508 @@ 
+    <City>
+        <ID id="249"/>
+        <NAME name="Edinburgh"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1744297"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0011854333788728"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="38499"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="24"/>
+        <SKILL ski="61"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3208"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="61"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0047036316633704"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="55.756069999999994" long="-3.08963"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="250"/>
+        <NAME name="Aberdeen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="812945"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.001207078904012"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="38499"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="14"/>
+        <SKILL ski="35"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3208"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="35"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9930748733888689"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.949" long="-1.9935899999999998"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="251"/>
+        <NAME name="Dundee"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="540811"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9974028190040989"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="38499"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="11"/>
+        <SKILL ski="28"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3208"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="28"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9999570678045527"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.262879999999996" long="-2.87072"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="252"/>
+        <NAME name="The Hague"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1569689"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0110926535119455"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="50848"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="25"/>
+        <SKILL ski="64"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="4237"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="64"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0093180883871622"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.778690000000005" long="4.095689999999999"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="253"/>
+        <NAME name="Nijmegen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1998936"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0085857293215494"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="43646"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="8"/>
+        <SKILL ski="20"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3637"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="20"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0077407243210719"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.528150000000004" long="5.6366"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="254"/>
+        <NAME name="Utrecht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1220910"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.015227322045812"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="63740"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="5311"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0122732080388568"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.78374" long="4.92552"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="255"/>
+        <NAME name="Zwolle"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1130345"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0116786231621937"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="43571"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="6"/>
+        <SKILL ski="16"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3630"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="16"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.010820028322234"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.212410000000006" long="5.89307"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="256"/>
+        <NAME name="Maastricht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1122701"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0025289620768263"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="45569"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="6"/>
+        <SKILL ski="17"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3797"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="17"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0026809340596647"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5512" long="5.49109"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="257"/>
+        <NAME name="Leeuwarden"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="646305"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.001221399666289"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="35457"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="6"/>
+        <SKILL ski="16"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="2954"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="16"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.000976813696752"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.900940000000006" long="5.59506"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="258"/>
+        <NAME name="Groningen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="576668"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0214660028795788"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="46807"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0027041115129647"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="13"/>
+        <SKILL ski="34"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3900"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="34"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.020718803724064"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.91255" long="6.36573"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="259"/>
+        <NAME name="Hasselt"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="839000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0074721987737898"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="44185"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0022493589625108"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="4"/>
+        <SKILL ski="11"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3682"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="11"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0058301363782256"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.6306" long="5.13853"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="260"/>
+        <NAME name="Leuven"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1076924"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0069164615964483"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="44185"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0022493589625108"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="5"/>
+        <SKILL ski="13"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3682"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="13"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.00471503476175"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.58097" long="4.51521"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="261"/>
+        <NAME name="Bastogne"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="269000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.009211342164123"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="44185"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0022493589625108"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="1"/>
+        <SKILL ski="4"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3682"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="4"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0050183708176013"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="49.7006" long="5.5153099999999995"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="262"/>
+        <NAME name="Valletta"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="414989"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="31515"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="0"/>
+        <SKILL ski="0"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="2626"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="0"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9940516477777461"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="35.8" long="14.41304"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="263"/>
+        <NAME name="Londonderry"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="828720"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.006732995433697"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="39664"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="15"/>
+        <SKILL ski="39"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3305"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="39"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0021887593230858"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="54.79629" long="-7.21108"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="264"/>
+        <NAME name="Galway"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="486807"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0060455177360266"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="77098"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="20"/>
+        <SKILL ski="50"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6424"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="50"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9993950373239145"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="53.07065" long="-8.95684"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="265"/>
+        <NAME name="Cork"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1005963"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0094686526535317"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="77098"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="30"/>
+        <SKILL ski="77"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6424"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="77"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0068616656429477"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.69936" long="-8.37138"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="266"/>
+        <NAME name="Limerick"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="372788"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0048058683844634"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="77098"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="44"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6424"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="44"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9982226838729263"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.4649" long="-8.52923"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="267"/>
+        <NAME name="Waterford"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="220581"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0069748788806172"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="77098"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.001592740943567"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="14"/>
+        <SKILL ski="36"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6424"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="36"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9976071403964875"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.059889999999996" long="-7.00969"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="268"/>
+        <NAME name="Verdun"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="193779"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9945406002406424"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="40678"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="0.9958907171609735"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="2"/>
+        <SKILL ski="6"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3389"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="6"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9978983595851982"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="48.95979" long="5.28239"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="269"/>
+        <NAME name="Besançon"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="527221"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.001054489027462"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="40678"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="0.9958907171609735"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="9"/>
+        <SKILL ski="22"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="3389"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="22"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0004809107539732"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="47.03966" long="5.921060000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>

M EEII Plans and Priorities.txt +11 -2
@@ 25,15 25,24 @@ Priorities
 [Done] - Add Troyes and one more French city for 45 total
 [Done] - Set war status correctly
  - City ownership transitions (Alsace-Lorraine, Trent)
- - Build out Scotland
+[Done] - Build out Scotland
  - Make sure eco growth is weighted by sub-regions, if available.
  - Pop growth should incorporate region-level growth/shrinkage
  - Use highway info for infrastructure.
  - Eco growth should use region level data if available
- - Add the Netherlands and Luxembourg
+[Done] - Add the Netherlands
+ - And Luxembourg
  - Add more city graphics
 [Obsolete] - Research/integrate regional car popularities
  - Currency exchange interpolation (e.g. 1950 Spain)
+ - Some starting cities (Valencia, Madrid, etc.) are much too wealthy.  Others like the UK ones seem okay.
+ - Nerf cities outside of our starting areas.  They tend to be too wealthy thus being easy cash grabs.
+ - Add some more starting companies in Belgium, Spain, Portugal in particular.
+ - Vigo is way out in the Atlantic
+ - French cities not added to Vichy France in WWII
+ - Belgian cities not added to Germany in WWII
+ - Spanish Civil War city split?
+ - Lisbon restricted in 7/1942.  Is it always?  Is that why few cars sell there?  Should all of Portugal be restricted?
 Not Yet Ordered

M France Notes.txt +90 -1
@@ 41,4 41,93 @@ Or maybe Burly is Gautier–Wehrlé?  The start year is the same and it rhymes.  But why's the end date 1967 then?
 Charbu may be Chenard-Walcker.  End date matches, start date kinda similar.
-Unicorn could be Unic?  Dates don't quite match up though.
  No newline at end of file
+Unicorn could be Unic?  Dates don't quite match up though.
+Adding a few more cities as now that we have England, Belgium, and the Netherlands, France looks a bit under-populated.
+Added Verdun (Meuse) and Besancon (Doubs) to round out northeast France a bit (especially while Alsace-Lorraine is in German hands).
+Geographically, candidates include:
+ - Poitiers, Vienne - a nice gap with good pop figures in NW France
+ - Carcasonne or Narbonne, Aude, in southern France near Spain
+ - Anywhere north of Toulouse
+City pop candidates include, not in Ile-de-France or a suburb of another city (2006 pops):
+ - Le Havre (183K), which is larger than Rouen.  Its department, Seine-Maritime is already present for Rouen.
+ - Aix (143K).  Part of Bouches-du-Rhone, as is Marseille, which is 20 miles south.
+ - Mulhouse (111K).  Part of Haut-Rhin along with the smaller Colmar, which is in-game.
+ - Poitiers (89K), Vienne
+ - Cherbourg (78K, 2019), Manche.
+ - Antibes (76K), part of Alpes-Maritimes and near Nice.
+ - BĂ©ziers (72K), part of HĂ©rault along with Montpellier.
+ - Dunkirk (69K), part of Nord along with Lille.
+ - Saint-Nazaire (69K), part of Loire-Aquitaine and west of Nantes.
+ - Valence (65K), capital of DrĂ´me.
+**** 10 cities above ***
+ - Qumper (65K), capital of Finistere, represented by Brest which is more populous
+ - Lorient (59K), part of Morbihan, represented by Vannes which is slightly smaller
+ - Niort (58K), capital of Deux-Sèvres
+ - Chambery (58K), capital of Savoie, south of Annecy
+All with a pop of 55,000 or up are listed.
+Add top 3:
+ - Le Havre
+ - Aix
+ - Mulhouse
+Department population candidates, 1930:
+= Aligns with geographic or top 10 city pop candidates).
+ = Manche (433K), with Cherbourg as capital.  On the Channel.
+ = Dordogne (384K), with Perigeux as capital.  North-ish of Toulouse.
+ - Vosges (378K), with Epinal as capital.  Finishes rounding out the northeast.
+ = Aveyron (324K), with Rodez as capital.  North of Toulouse.
+ - Charente (310K), with Angouleme as capital.  Western France.
+ - Deux-Sèvres (308K), with Niort as capital.  Western France.
+ - Eure (306K), with Evreux as capital.  Kind of between Paris and Rouen.
+ = Vienne (303K), with Poitiers as capital.
+ - Tarn (303K), with Tarn as capital.  NE of Toulouse.
+ = Aude (297K), Carcasonne or Narbonne, southern France near Spain.
+ - Cher (294K), Bourges.  South of Paris and Orleans.
+ - Ardennes (294K), Charleville-Mézières.  Builds out Belgian border.
+ - Ardèche (283K), several small towns.  South of Lyon.
+ - Yonne (276K), Auxerre.  Halfway between Paris and Dijon, south of Troyes.
+ - Orne (274K), Alencon.  West of Paris, north of Le Mans.
+ = DrĂ´me (267K), Valence.  South of Lyon.
+ = Corrèze (264K), Brive-la-Gaillarde.  North of Toulouse, in the empty diagonal.
+ - Landes (257K), Mont-de-Marsan.  South of Bordeaux.
+ - Nièvre (255K), Nevers.  I know where Nevers is!
+ - Eure-et-Loir (255K), Chartres.
+ - Mayenne (255K), Laval.  Between Le Mans and Rennes.
+ - Haute-Loire (252K), Le Puy-en-Velay (19K).  SW of St. Étienne.
+Add top 3:
+ - Cherbourg, Manche
+ - Perigeux, Dordogne
+ - Epinal, Vosges
+Add one for geographic reasons
+ - Rodez, Averyon
+Add one for city/department combo pop
+ - Poitiers, Vienne
+France has 47 cities (including Alsace-Lorraine) after the two already added.  Should aim for 55 or 60.
+Above, we have it listed for 55 total.
+Next five?
+Add one for city pop.  Very similar pops so I'll pick and choose.
+ - Valence, Drome.
+Add one for province pop.
+ - Angouleme, Charente
+Add one for geography
+ - Narbonne, Aude
+At 58.  Not sure which to choose next.  Might want to add stuff and see where there seem to be gaps.  Would Antibes or Beziers be too close?  Quimper would work.  Maybe there's a gap we need to fill geographically with Auxerre or Bourges or Nevers.
  No newline at end of file

M Maps/Europe Expanded II/scripts/City1900.xml +597 -93
@@ 4,73 4,73 @@ 
         <ID id="1"/>
         <NAME name="Dublin"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.004"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="199"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04747"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="16"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.12"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="1141218"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.009741901751368"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="26"/>
+        <SKILL ski="65"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="65"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0062034975330267"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.3603"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="53.1498" long="-6.1603"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="2"/>
         <NAME name="Belfast"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="349200"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00002"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.03896"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="810593"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0092105111550145"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="233"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="44"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="19"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="44"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.023564722063029"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-6.0301"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="54.3972" long="-5.830100000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="3"/>
         <NAME name="Glasgow"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="912000"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="0.996447"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="367"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04127"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="30"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.28"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="2305694"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0084389655488613"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="34"/>
+        <SKILL ski="86"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="86"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0076328439285382"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.3518"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.8</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="55.664199999999994" long="-4.151800000000001"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="4"/>

@@ 476,7 476,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.650299999999994" long="4.2517000000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5503" long="4.1517"/>

@@ 484,49 484,49 @@ 
         <ID id="21"/>
         <NAME name="Rotterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="370400"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00532"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04318"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="706930"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0126673012924294"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="116"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="22"/>
+        <SKILL ski="55"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="9"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="55"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0073160640082688"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.724399999999996" long="4.3777"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="51.617140000000006" long="4.274"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="22"/>
         <NAME name="Amsterdam"/>
         <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
-        <POPULATION pop="523600"/>
-        <POPGROWTH pg="1.00541"/>
-        <CAPITA cap="282"/>
-        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.04539"/>
-        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
-        <GAS gastax="1"/>
-        <INF infit="1"/>
-        <SKILL ski="1"/>
-        <WAGE empwage="23"/>
-        <MNFBASE manub="1"/>
-        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0"/>
-        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
-        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
-        <TAX taxrate="1.2"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="980394"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0098091922972134"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="157"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="31"/>
+        <SKILL ski="78"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="13"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="78"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0054327192629302"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="52.170199999999994" long="4.7952"/>
-        <REGION>2</REGION>
-        <BUYRATE>0.7</BUYRATE>
+        <CORDS lat="52.0702" long="4.6952"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
         <ID id="23"/>

@@ 1748,7 1748,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.032239999999994" long="4.2975900000000005"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.93224" long="4.19759"/>

@@ 1772,7 1772,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.213319999999996" long="4.34157"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.11332" long="4.241569999999999"/>

@@ 1796,7 1796,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.85001" long="3.6303199999999998"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.75001" long="3.5303199999999997"/>

@@ 2012,7 2012,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="France.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.729749999999996" long="1.76087"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.629749999999994" long="1.76087"/>

@@ 5684,7 5684,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="51.008469999999996" long="3.12504"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.90847" long="3.0250399999999997"/>

@@ 5708,7 5708,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.432289999999995" long="5.46985"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.33229" long="5.36985"/>

@@ 5732,7 5732,7 @@ 
         <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
         <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
         <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
-        <CORDS lat="50.26497" long="4.765610000000001"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.164970000000004" long="4.66561"/>

@@ 5952,4 5952,508 @@ 
+    <City>
+        <ID id="249"/>
+        <NAME name="Edinburgh"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="925605"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0097208643661757"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0076927308415384"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="55.756069999999994" long="-3.08963"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="250"/>
+        <NAME name="Aberdeen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="429609"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0063558892772544"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="11"/>
+        <SKILL ski="28"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="28"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0050089853194661"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.949" long="-1.9935899999999998"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="251"/>
+        <NAME name="Dundee"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="509705"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0023995679031006"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="226"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="31"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="18"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="31"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0031145069914138"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="56.262879999999996" long="-2.87072"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="252"/>
+        <NAME name="The Hague"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="451559"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0278989390274749"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="116"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="17"/>
+        <SKILL ski="43"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="9"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="43"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0137711123631126"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.778690000000005" long="4.095689999999999"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="253"/>
+        <NAME name="Nijmegen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="573687"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0184947628383505"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="99"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="8"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="8"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="1.0129336296884144"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.528150000000004" long="5.6366"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="254"/>
+        <NAME name="Utrecht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="255099"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0154540289825669"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="145"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="30"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="12"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="30"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.78374" long="4.92552"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="255"/>
+        <NAME name="Zwolle"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="337894"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0123434521034462"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="99"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="7"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="7"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="256"/>
+        <NAME name="Maastricht"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="287192"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0097182628452024"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="104"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="3"/>
+        <SKILL ski="9"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="9"/>
+        <MANUGROWTH manug="0.9995629923526818"/>
+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Netherlands.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="50.5512" long="5.49109"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="257"/>
+        <NAME name="Leeuwarden"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="342393"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.011005424818498"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="81"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="4"/>
+        <SKILL ski="10"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="6"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="10"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="258"/>
+        <NAME name="Groningen"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Netherlands"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="302127"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0111193593633743"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="107"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0155344930023524"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="7"/>
+        <SKILL ski="17"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="8"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="17"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.91255" long="6.36573"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="259"/>
+        <NAME name="Hasselt"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="241000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0142191300328773"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="2"/>
+        <SKILL ski="6"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="6"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="Belgium.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="260"/>
+        <NAME name="Leuven"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="472813"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0080206223226442"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="4"/>
+        <SKILL ski="12"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="12"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="261"/>
+        <NAME name="Bastogne"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="Belgium"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="219000"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.009186579010796"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="179"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.010318285539164"/>
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+        <INF infit="1"/>
+        <SKILL ski="2"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="14"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="2"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="262"/>
+        <NAME name="Valletta"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="181935"/>
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+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
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+        <INF infit="0"/>
+        <SKILL ski="0"/>
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+        <MNFBASE manub="0"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <CORDS lat="35.8" long="14.41304"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="263"/>
+        <NAME name="Londonderry"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="444812"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0003827933074512"/>
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+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
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+        <INF infit="12"/>
+        <SKILL ski="32"/>
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+        <MNFBASE manub="32"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="54.79629" long="-7.21108"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="264"/>
+        <NAME name="Galway"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="541919"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0012905980829543"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
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+        <INF infit="16"/>
+        <SKILL ski="41"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
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+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <CORDS lat="53.07065" long="-8.95684"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="265"/>
+        <NAME name="Cork"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
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+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9990493789143949"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="25"/>
+        <SKILL ski="63"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
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+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
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+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="51.69936" long="-8.37138"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="266"/>
+        <NAME name="Limerick"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="397134"/>
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+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
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+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="14"/>
+        <SKILL ski="35"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
+        <MNFBASE manub="35"/>
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+        <ALIGNMENT align=""/>
+        <GOVERN gov="1"/>
+        <TAX taxrate="1.3"/>
+        <FLAG flagfile="UK.dds"/>
+        <PIC picture="Generic.dds"/>
+        <CORDS lat="52.4649" long="-8.52923"/>
+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="267"/>
+        <NAME name="Waterford"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="United Kingdom"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="222497"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="0.9999175328143521"/>
+        <CAPITA cap="453"/>
+        <ECOGROWTH ecog="1.0020640559571163"/>
+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
+        <INF infit="11"/>
+        <SKILL ski="28"/>
+        <WAGE empwage="37"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
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+    <City>
+        <ID id="268"/>
+        <NAME name="Verdun"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
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+        <RESOURCES res="1"/>
+        <GAS gastax="1"/>
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+        <SKILL ski="6"/>
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+        <REGION>2</REGION>
+        <BUYRATE>1</BUYRATE>
+    </City>
+    <City>
+        <ID id="269"/>
+        <NAME name="Besançon"/>
+        <COUNTRY nation="France"/>
+        <POPULATION pop="316995"/>
+        <POPGROWTH pg="1.0079046914944947"/>